Academicians from Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University are at the Top of the “AD Scientific Index” List

  • 2022-11-07

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University academics were at the forefront of the Kyrgyzstan list of the "AD Scientific Index", which lists the most cited academics for their scientific studies.

In the list of 2023, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kurshad Yilmaz first, Faculty of Science Biology Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan also took the second place. In addition, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. Ismail Shen is in the fifth place on the list, while the Deputy Rector Prof. Dr. Asylbek Kulmyrzayev is also in sixth place.

AD Scientific Index shows the productivity coefficient of scientists in total and in the last 5 years, based on the H index, i10 index and citation count.



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