Rector Alpaslan Ceylan Attended the Meeting of the Union of Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World

  • 2023-04-17

Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan and Advisor to the Rector Prof. Dr. Serhat Burmaoglu attended the 6th Meeting of the Union of Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World hosted by Al Farabi Kazakh National University on April 14-15, 2023.

The meeting, where the dimensions and current state of scientific cooperation between the Turkic States were discussed, was held with the participation of Kazakhstan's Minister of Science and Higher Education Saiasat Nurbek and President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafaev.

Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, in his speech at the meeting, stated that the Turkic States immediately rushed to help after the earthquake disaster in Turkey was the best example of solidarity between the brothers.

Joint Events for the 100th Anniversary Celebrations

Prof. Dr. Ceylan stated that joint activities could be organized for the 100th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Republic of Turkey. Rector Alpaslan Ceylan also said that they are open to any suggestion regarding this.

Raising Quality Human Resources

Rector Alpaslan Ceylan stated that Turkey`s biggest investment in human resources abroad is Manas University. Also Prof. Dr. Ceylan said that the aim of Manas University is primarily to train qualified human resources that can be employed in the Turkic World and all over the world.

The Importance of Science Diplomacy

Emphasizing that science diplomacy is very important, Rector Ceylan stated that it is possible to address the deficiencies in the Turkish World scientific community under three headings as “ethics”, “infrastructure” and “quality”, and that there are very important deficiencies especially in these issues.

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan continued his speech as follows: "Our performance is insufficient and we need to take urgent steps to improve it. First of all, integration with the Turkic Universities Union (TÜRKÜNİB) and the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) must be completed. Necessary steps regarding budget and personnel should be taken as soon as possible. In addition, joint action can be taken with "Dergipark" regarding international indexes. Country-based studies should be carried out to develop international projects. Steps should be taken in the Organization of Turkic States to develop the Orhun Program. Membership of state universities should be accepted as a standard. We, as Manas University, have taken some steps. We launched the Digital Citizenship of the Turkic World Project, which our university also pioneered. I believe that this project should be brought to the forefront. We have established the Eurasian Research Institute of Language, History and Archaeology. In addition, all the opportunities of our University have been opened for young scientists who will come to Manas University in the summer months. We are organizing summer schools for the youth of the Turkic World and we are waiting for support for more students to benefit from this."

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Kunsulu Zakariya, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Kanatbek Abdrahmatov, President of the Turkish Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Sheker, Rector of Al Farabi Kazakh National University Janseit Tuimebaev, as well as the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Mongolia and Bashkortostan attended the meeting.


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