


Subject and Purpose

Weekly courses in the field of Theological Sciences are planned with the coordination of KTMU Faculty of Theology faculty members and with the participation of our University members and administrative staff. The courses will focus on approach methods and solution suggestions for current religious problems related to the most important branches of theology, especially the Holy Quran, Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law (Fiqh), Sufism, Islamic History, History of Sects and History of Religions. .

For this purpose the following questions will be asked:

What were the common religions and beliefs in the years when Islam emerged?
What are the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
What are the characteristic features of the Holy Quran? What should we do to understand the Quran correctly? Is it useless to read the Quran without knowing its meaning?
Is it right to donate the reward of reading the Quran to our dead?
What should we understand when we say circumcision? How did the Companions approach the Sunnah?
What does authentic hadith mean? What are the authentic hadith sources?
What is the place of sects in religion? Is it necessary to belong to a sect? 
What are the main features of the Ahl al-Sunnah sect? Why the Hanafi-Māturīdī sect is important?
What does missionary mean? What is inculturation?
What is the view on Sufism and sects in Islam?
Who is Ahmed Yesevî and what kind of a sect is Yesevîsm?
Is it possible to obtain knowledge through means such as dreams, discovery and inspiration?
What are the points where Islamic economy overlaps and differs from today's economic models?
What does Islam say about organ transplantation?
What is Islam's view on painting, music, poetry and other arts?
Can Mevlit, Regâib, Beraat, Mi'râc be evaluated as bid'ah?
Answers to these questions will be serached discussed. Our goal is to prevent information pollution on religious issues, to teach ways to reach authentic religious knowledge, to provide a Hanafi-Māturīdi school-centered perspective, thus to take an important step towards understanding and implementing our supreme religion, Islam, in the most accurate way by ensuring the unity of reason and transference. We invite you to our seminars where we will discuss ways to access authentic knowledge based on the Quran and Sunnah.

After the application via e-mail, quick communication will be provided via WhatsApp group.


Program Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Bekir TATLI

Seminar Program (5 Weeks)

Duration: 16 November 2023 – 21 December 2023

Weekly Seminar Day: Every Thursday

Time: 17.00 – 18.30

Location: Faculty of Theology, Hall No. 210

Application (Whatsapp number must be specified): ilahiyat@manas.edu.kg