
"Blessed Ramadan" Programs for Women in the Abdulkerim Satuk Buğra Han Mosque

On the occasion of Ramadan, the "Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women has begun at Satuk Buğra Han Implementation Mosque in 27.03.2023. This program will continue until the end of Ramadan. Every day during the month of Ramadan, at 15:30, seminars on religious subjects will be given by the faculty women, followed by a recitation and the Qur'an Hatims (Hatim is the recitation of the Qur'an from beginning to end). The program is open to all interested women. Our Program is coordinated by the staff of the Faculty of Theology: Lecturer Mirgül Bekmurzaeva, Research Assistants Cazgül Colaliyeva and Altınay Kurmanbekova, and PhD student Dilnoza Rahmatillaeva. In addition, the 2-4th grade students (girls) of our faculty will take an active role in this program and will contribute the program by recitation of the Qur'an with the method of "mukabala" (It is when someone recites the Qur'an aloud from memory or from a book, and the people listening to it silently follow it from the Qur'an) and fulfilling "Hatim"s.