
"Public Service of Imams in Kyrgyzstan" (Shohimardan Orunbekov)

Shohimardan Orunbekov (Research Assistant of the Department of Islamic Sciences of the Faculty of Theology) made the seminar titled "Public Service of Imams in Kyrgyzstan" on 22.11.2023. In this seminar the importance of the imam service was touched upon. Orunbekov made his speech on the main question of the seminar - "Who is the imam?" It was explained how the person who will be an imam should behave, how Kyrgyz imams are appointed and how they serve the public. Orunbekov also told the seminar participants about reading the adhan, being an imam, preparing a Friday sermon, marrying, cutting a shroud and other imam services.

At the end of the seminar, where questions and answers were given regarding the position of Imam, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ayık concluded his words by delivering his letter of thanks to Orunbekov.