
2th Seminar : "Religion with Its Various Aspects."

Seminars Continue at Full Speed

2021-2022 academic year seminars continue at full speed in our faculty. In this context, one of the new faculty members of our faculty, Prof. Dr. Kemal Polat held a seminar titled "Religion with Its Various Aspects." The seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan, faculty members, students and guests. The seminar attracted great interest of listeners. Speaker Prof. Dr. Kemal Polat talked about the importance of religion for people and society.

Stating that wherever there is a human community, from the most primitive to the most modern, there is a belief and religion, there is no society and community without religion, and all religions recommend the middle way. Polat cited: "Travel around the world and you will find cities without walls, without literature, without law and wealthless. But you will not find a city without a temple and without a god.”

Polat said, “Religion is an institution that unites individuals with sacred feelings and behaviors, glorifies and develops societies. Religion is one of the most important ties that keep a society alive and clamp it together, because “History is the memory of a nation; Language is the expression of a nation, Religion is the headband of a nation.” Polat cited Seyyid Ahmet Arvası: “Science, fine arts and religion have a very important place in the life of a person. Culture and Civilizations cannot exist without them. Moreover, you cannot substitute other institutions for them. If you neglect or deny these fields, the field will not be empty, but will degenerate." He shared the view, that charlatanism takes the place in science, primitiveness and ugliness take the place in fine arts, abuse and superstitions take the place in religion.

The seminar, where many issues related to religion were discussed and listened with interest, continued with a question and answer section and our Dean Prof.Dr. Recai Doğan thanked the speaker.