
The Scholar from Osh Sirâceddin el-Ûşî

On February 4, 2024, at 15:20, KTMU Faculty of Theology held one of its series of seminars for students and academic staff of our university, within the framework of its vision and mission. The topic of this seminar, organized by the "Kalem Student Club" of our faculty, was "The Scholar from Osh Sirâceddin el-Ûşî" and the seminar was held by the guest speaker Dr. Jarkinbay SEBETOV, who is the Faculty Member of the Faculty of Theology of Osh State University Arashan Social Sciences Institute. Kalem Student Club coordinator Dr. Aiitmamat KARIEV made the opening speech. Then the seminar, which attracted great interest from the students started.  At the end of the seminar, faculty dean Prof. Dr. Hasan AYIK presented participation certificate and gift to the speaker . Subsequently, Dr. Jarkınbay SEBETOV also gifted his own works to our library.