


11. 05. 2024

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Theology student scientific conference and sports competitions  Opening speech: (Time: 09.30-10.00) 1. Uulu Rustam Kubanychbek from the Faculty of Theology of Osh State University 2. Dean of Arashan Theology Faculty of Osh State University Doc. Jusupov Mairambek Ganinovich 3. Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Kyrgyz State University named after Ishenaly Arabayev Doc. Shamraliev Nurbek Bolotovych 4. Prof. Dean of the Faculty of Theology of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Doc. Hasan Ayyk Student scientific conference "Youth and Religion (Possibilities and Security)"

First session (Time: 10.00-10.50) Moderator: Myrza Uulu Ulukbek (KTMU Theology) 1. Batyrbek Kyzy Nurayim - Youth and Religion, opportunities and threats (Arabayev Un Theology, 3rd year) 2. Abdykadyr Kyzy - The connection of youth with Islam in modernism (OshMU Theology, 3rd year) 3. Daniyar Minbaev - Advanced technology, youth and Islam (OshMU Theology, 4th year) 4. Aizirek Arapova - Religious understanding of youth in society (OshMU Theology, 1st year) 5. Abdilamit Uulu Chubak - Youth and Religion, opportunities and security (KTMU Theology, 4th year)) program of the "Kalem" student club of the Faculty of Theology of KTMU (hours: 11.00-11.30).

Second session (Time: 11.20-12.10) Moderator: Daniyar Minbaev (OshMU Theology) 1. Aizat Abdurasul kyzy - Impact of social networks on young people (OshMU Theology 2nd year) 2. Samarov Aktan - Youth and Religion, opportunities and security (KTMU Theology , 3rd year) 3. Kanybekov Kurmanbek - Gambling addiction of young people on the Internet (OshMU Arashan Faculty of Theology, 2nd year) 4. Muhammedmusa Zholbors uulu - Effects of religious crisis and doubts on the formation of young people (OshMU Theology, 3rd year) 5. Abdykaym Uulu Ali - Youth and Religion, opportunities and threats (Arabayev Un. Theology 3rd year) Final speech (Time: 12:10-12:15): Doc. Aitmyrza Satybaldiev Lunch break (Time: 12.15-13.50)

Opening ceremony of sports competitions: (Time: 13.50-14.00) Start of sports competitions (Time: 14.00-17.00) 1. Volleyball (sports complex of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of KTMU) 2. Chess (girls) - (KTMU Faculty of Theology) 3. Tennis (girls) - (KTMU Faculty of Theology)

12.05.2024 Start of sports competitions (Time: 09.30-12.30) 1. Football (football field of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the CTMU) Meeting (Current situation and possibilities of theology faculties in Kyrgyzstan) ) 2. Awarding ceremony for the teams that won the top places in sports competitions (Time: 12.30-12.45) Closing speech: Prof. Dr. Hasan Ayyk, Faculty of Theology