
Panel on Harmful Religious Movements

A panel on "Harmful Religious Currents in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan" was held at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (KTMU).

The panel was organized by the KTMU Faculty of Theology  in coordination with Religious Services Consulate under the Bishkek Embassy of the Turkish Republic . KTMU Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Asilbek Kulmirzay, Bishkek Embassy Religious Services Counselor Mürsel Öztürk and Dean of Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Kemal Polat made opening sheeches. 

The panel was moderated by Kemal Polat. The faculty members of the Faculty of Theology made presentation of the following themes:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Gökalp “Extreme Religious Interpretations in the History of Islamic Thought”; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bakit Murzaraimov “Islamic-Originated Religious Movements and Activities in Kyrgyzstan”; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nail Karagöz “Dimensions of Religious Abuse in Terms of Information Sources.” Mustafa Irmaklı, Member of the Religious Affairs High Council of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Turkish Republic presented a paper titled "The Effects of Marginal Religious Understandings on the Islamic Conception of Our Age and Social Life".