

The guest of the KTMU Student Dormitory Conversation series on Tuesday evenings was Sabır Murataliev, a lecturer from the Faculty of Theology. In his conversation, held on 02/06/2022, Murataliev talked about friendship, Islam and the importance of friendship and brotherhood in Islam. In this context, Murataliev gave examples of the Prophet's relationship with his friends. It was stated, that the religion of Islam values ​​friendship, fellowship, brotherhood, unity, and that friendship relations impose responsibilities according to the individual. It has been pointed out, that friendship and companionship are at the forefront of the values ​​we most need today. Friends should support each other financially and morally, and share their sorrows and joys with each other. Murataliev mentioned that friendship is not only limited to worldly relations, that friendship is a great value next to Allah in the hereafter and that many rewards and gifts will be given.