
The Connections of Kyrgyz National Values with Islam (Prof. Dr. Anvar MOKEEV)

Considering the unique vision of our Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University "of not being a stranger to our own values and history," our Faculty organised the program within the framework of "Friday Conversations at the Open Tribune." The former vice-rector Prof. Dr. Anvar MOKEEV held a very meaningful and productive conversation titled "The Connections of Kyrgyz National Values with Islam."

Mokeev, one of the best bureaucrats and academics of Kyrgyzstan, shared his knowledge and experience. Тo doubt his speech shed light on many questions of our students, and especially our academic and administrative staff. Mokeev emphasized, that the Kyrgyz people suceed to create their own philosophy of life by combining Islamic values with Kyrgyz national values. He mentioned that nowadays we should not be strangers to our own identity and that we should examine our history from primary sources. This informative and eye-opening interview by Mr. Mokeev was listened with a great interest by both our staff and students and received a standing ovation.

The talk ended with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation by our faculty dean.