
Postgraduate Education Opportunities in Turkey (Arş. Gör. Ulanbek Kalmurza Uulu)

The research assistant Ulanbek Kalmurza Uulu became the guest of the Friday Conversations at the Open Tribune Program with the subject "Graduate Education Opportunities in Turkey."  Ulanbek Kalmurza Uulu talked about the historical development of Theology Faculties in Turkey and explained the current situation at Theology Faculties. He gave information about sub-disciplines of the Theology such as Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Basic Islamic Sciences and Islamic History and Arts.

Kalmurza Uulu pointed out that there are around 200 Kyrgyz students who have had postgraduate education in Turkey in the last 20 years, and most of them focus on fiqh, kalam, tafsir, hadith and religious education. The seminar continued with the participants' questions and answers on this subject. The program ended with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation.