
Scientific Activities That Students Can Carry Out in the Light of Turkish Experience (Lecturer Dr. Khaiitmirza SOTVOLDIEV)

PhD Khaitmirza SOTVOLDIEV the lecturer of KTMU Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic Sciences became  the guest of the "Friday Conversations at the Open Tribune" program with the subject "Scientific Activities That Students Can Carry Out in the Light of Turkish Experience" on December, 16 2022. The speaker gave information about the activities carried out to raise the academic level of university students in Turkey today. He explained in detail what kind of contributions such activities provide to university students and what is nessessary to be done for this.

SOTVOLDIEV continued his speech as follows: "The main goal of university students is to train themselves in the field they receive their education, to successfully complete their education and to grow up as successful individuals in their profession. In addition, they should prepare themselves by taking into account the expectations of the society from them and taking into account the problems and developments of the age. In order to fulfill these expectations, it is importatnt to read a lot, interpret the information that is learned in a way that suits the needs of the day and offer solutions to problems, and contribute to the production of new ideas. The modern society needs such individuals."

At the end of the conversation, the speaker answered the participants' questions on the subject. Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Kemal POLAT presented a certificate of appreciation.