
Quran Competition Ceremony 2023

A competition titled "The Qur'an That Illuminates the Heart of a Believer with Its Light" was organized by the "Kalem" student community of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Theology. In this competition, it was aimed to popularize the understanding of Qur'an by reciting the Qur'an with a pleasant voice and memorizing it. The competition was for the students of KTMU Faculty of Theology and was held in two different categories: Recitation of the Qur'an on April 6, 2023, and recitation of the Quran by heart on May 17, 2023. As a result of the evaluations of the jury members, Sayfidin İbarimov became the first, and Arslanbek Abduvaliev became the second in the first category of recitation of the Qur'an. In the recitation of the Quran by heart Nurcigit Turgunaliev became first, Ramis Murzaliev second and Nurmat Izat Uulu third. At the ceremony held on 25.05.2023, awards were given to the winners. Beknazar CANIBEKOV, the head of the “Kalem” club, and the dean of the Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Hasan AYIK congratulated the members of the student community who organized the competition and the students who participated in the competition.