
"Family in Kyrgyz Proverbs"

Lecturer Mirgül BEKMURZAYEVA made a presentation on "Family in Kyrgyz Proverbs" on 29.11.2023 within the scope of the 2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester academic seminar series. In the introduction part of his presentation, Bekmurzaeva explained the concept of family and brought verses from the Holy Quran and hadiths as evidence about the importance of family. Then, in the light of Kyrgyz proverbs, she focused on the importance of marriage, issues to consider when choosing a spouse, the continuation of marriage and the secrets of being happy, child upbringing and respect for parents. In the conclusion of her presentation, Bekmurzaeva stated that proverbs are very valuable resources as the product of experiences proven by time, and therefore it is necessary to benefit from them in family life and child education, as in every aspect.

At the end of the program, Dean of the Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Hasan AYIK thanked Mirgül BEKMURZAYEVA for her presentation and handed over the certificate of appreciation.