Master's program in the field of 532000

"Physical culture and sports»


The master program in the field of “Physical culture and sports» with the assignment of a master's degree was opened at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University in 2018 by the decision of the Board of Trustees No. 1 of 02.07.2018 and by the decision of the Senate R 30.2019/GS/ÖB-14.7 of 08.01.2019. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 26.06.2019 No. D2019-0029, License No. LS190002687 was issued for the right to conduct educational activities under the master's program 532000 "Physical culture and sports".

The plan for admission to the master's program annually consists of eight applicants, of which 70% must be citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, the remaining 30 % - distributed among applicants from Turkey and from other countries. Currently, the number of undergraduates enrolled in the master's program is 16 students.

Goals of the Master program in the field of "Physical culture and sports»:

The main goal of the program is preparing specialists on the basics of humanities, social, economic, mathematical and natural science knowledge, to obtain higher in-depth professional (at the master's level) education, which allows the graduate to successfully work in their chosen field of activity, to have universal and subject-specific competencies that contribute to their social mobility and stability in the labor market. Formation of social and personal qualities of students: purposefulness, organization, hard work, responsibility, citizenship, communication skills, tolerance, improvement of general culture.

Objectives of the Master program in the field of "Physical culture and sports»:

- determine the goals and objectives of the educational process, depending on the age and gender characteristics of those involved, select appropriate means and methods of training and physical education;

- evaluate the physical and functional state of the individual and determine the amount of loads that are adequate to the individual's capabilities;

- evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and methods used in the educational process and make adjustments to it;

- evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and methods used in the educational and training process;

- choose research methods that are adequate to the tasks set, modify existing methods and develop new methods based on the tasks of a specific research related to the problems of the master's program;

- process, carry out scientific analysis of research results;

- improve constantly their professional competence in the planning and implementation of cultural and educational activities.

Academic work

The Master's program in the field of "Physical culture and sports" is focused on deepening students ' knowledge in the main areas of physical culture and sports. The duration of the program is four semesters (two years) and ends with the assignment of the qualification "Master of physical culture and sports".

The curricula of the educational programs are compiled according to the credit-hour system, taking into account the world educational standards and the Bologna process.

The structure and content of the curriculum, studying programs and academic disciplines meet the requirements of the "Regulations on Master's Training in the system of multi-level higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic" which approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, and in accordance with the educational programs of the Republic of Turkey, and also meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher and Professional Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on September 15, 2015 by Order No. 1179/1.

In the process of studying, undergraduates undergo scientific-research and scientific-pedagogical practices focused on the preparation of a master dissertation and pedagogical activity at the university.

The implementation of the main educational program for the preparation of masters is provided by qualified teaching staffs, currently there are 2 full-time professors, 2 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, candidates of science.

Competencies of Master's degree graduates:

- Able to deeply understand and critically evaluate theories, practices, methodologies and research results, use an interdisciplinary approach and integrate the achievements of various sciences to gain new knowledge;

- Able to collect, evaluate and integrate the learned theories and concepts, determine the boundaries of their applicability in solving professional problems; choose the necessary research methods, modify existing and develop new methods based on the tasks of a specific research;

- Able to independently or as part of a group conduct scientific research using the latest research methods and techniques, as well as independently research, plan, implement and adapt applied or research projects;

- Able to create and develop new ideas, taking into account the socio-economic and cultural consequences of new phenomena in science, technology and technology, and the professional sphere;

- Capable of expert evaluation of activities in their professional field.

- Speaks a foreign language at the level of professional communication;

- Has the skills to work with large amounts of information, is able to use modern computer technology and specialized software in research work

- Able to put forward and develop initiatives aimed at developing the values of a civil democratic society, ensuring social justice, solving ideological, socially and personally significant problems;

- Able to lead a team, including interdisciplinary projects.

- The ability to put into practice the latest achievements in the field of educational activities (with the latest theories, interpretations, methods and technologies) (PK-1);

- The ability to do research and use the results to improve educational impact on the individual student's (PC-2);

- Ability to develop methodical complex on discipline "Physical culture and sport" (PC-3);

- Ability to use modern technology to ensure the quality of the educational process (PC-7);

- Ability to formulate project (program) goals) -the ability to develop plans, programs and methods of conducting research in the field of physical culture and sports (PC-30), to determine the criteria and indicators for achieving goals, to identify priorities for solving problems, taking into account the moral aspects of the activity (PC - 16);

- The ability to develop plans, programs and methods of conducting research in the field of physical culture and sports (PC-30);

- The ability to interpret the results of their own scientific research and identify their practical significance (PC-32);

- The ability to develop projects and methodological documentation in the field of physical culture and sports, taking into account the social, morphofunctional, psychological characteristics of the contingent of different genders and ages, natural-environmental and economic characteristics of the region (PC-40).

Opportunities for professional development in the learning process

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates in the field of training 532000 "Physical culture and sports" includes:

- Education in the field of physical culture and sports;

- Physical education and sports;

- Car recreation and rehabilitation;

- Measures for the prevention of diseases and strengthening the health of the population by means of physical culture and sports;

- Service sector; tourism;

- Management area;

- Research work.

Career opportunities

Graduates can carry out professional activities in other fields and (or) areas of professional activity, provided that the level of their education and the acquired competencies meet the requirements for the qualification of an employee (in educational institutions of different levels and types: general education schools, institutions of additional education for children, including sports schools, sports clubs, other institutions of physical culture and recreation or physical culture and sports orientation).

A graduate who has mastered the master program is ready to solve such professional tasks as studying the opportunities, needs and achievements of students, depending on the level of the educational program being mastered; organizing the process of training and education in the field of education using modern educational technologies that reflect the specifics of the subject area and correspond to the age and psychophysical characteristics of students including their special educational needs; organization of interaction with colleagues, parents, social partners, including foreign ones; implementation of professional self-education and personal growth.