President, Prof. A. Ceylan

Co-President, Prof. A. Ibraev

Vice-President, Prof. K. Karymshakov

Vice-President, Prof. M. S. Türk

Acting Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Prof. A. Aşık

Acting Dean, Faculty of Sciences, Prof. G. Kurmanbekova

Acting Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Prof. Ç. Akengin

Acting Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management, Prof. S. Burmaoğlu

Acting Dean, Faculty of Theology, Prof. H. Ayık

Acting Dean, Faculty of Communications, Prof. M. S. Türk

Acting Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Assoc. Prof. N. Totubaeva

Acting Dean, Faculty of Veterinary, Prof. İ. Şen

Acting Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. A. Aygün

Acting Dean, Faculty of Sports Sciences Prof. K. Zhanuzakov

Acting Dean, Faculty of Tourism Prof. Y. Boylu

Director, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Prof. İ. Altıntaş

Director, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Prof. K. Ardıç

Acting Director, School of Foreign Languages, Prof. R. Doğan

Acting Director, School of Vocational Education, Asst. Prof. М. Vural

Member of the Senate Prof. B. Sagynbaeva

Member of the Senate Prof. E. Çelik

Member of the Senate Prof. K. Gülbeyaz

Member of the Senate Asst. Prof. S. Najimudinova

Member of the Senate Prof. B. Tatlı

Member of the Senate Assoc. Prof. E. Akman

Member of the Senate Prof. B. Borkoev

Member of the Senate Prof. Ü. Türkçapar

Member of the Senate Assoc. Prof. G. Şimşek

Member of the Senate Prof. M. Şahin

Member of the Senate Prof. İ. Erper

General Secretary, Prof. O. Özgül

Student Representative