The Bachelor's degree program in Economics includes the following courses:

First year: Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Informatics, Fundamentals of Economic Theory I, Fundamentals of Management, History of Economics, Law, Ecology, Mathematics for Business and Economics II, Fundamentals of Economic Theory II, Marketing, Behavioral Science, Tax System of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Second year: History of Kyrgyzstan, Philosophy, Fundamentals of Accounting I, Microeconomics I, Macroeconomics I, Statistics for Business and Economics I, Introduction to International Relations, Fundamentals of Accounting II, Microeconomics II, Macroeconomics II, Statistics for Business and Economics II. 

Third year: International Economics I, Money, Credit, Banks and Econometrics I, International Economics II, Finance and Econometrics II.

Fourth year: Economic Policy, Economy of Kyrgyzstan, Taxes and Taxation, World Economics, Dissertation II, Economy of Turkey. 

The Bachelor's program also includes elective courses starting in the third year. Students must also complete term papers at the end of their first, second and third years, as well as a dissertation at the end of their fourth year. For more information, please consult the course catalogue.