
Pedagogical internship in our students

Students of the Department of Mathematics in this academic year 2021-2022 pass pedagogical practice in the leading schools of Bishkek as: No. 68 educational complex school-gymnasium named after A. Osmonov, National School-gymnasium of Innovative Technologies named after A. Moldokulov, Maarif Educational Complex, as well as in the schools of the region at the place of residence.
The goal of pedagogical practice is to form a student's positive attitude towards the profession of teacher and teacher, the acquisition and improvement of practically significant skills in conducting educational and extracurricular work, the development of professional qualities and psychological properties of the individual.
During the period of pedagogical practice, students conduct multi-aspect educational work, extracurricular activities, testing, prepare visual aids. In the course of practice, non-traditional forms of conducting lessons are widely tested in the educational process. A significant place in pedagogical practice is given to the research work of students.
At the end of pedagogical practice, the student should be able to: plan the educational process; use modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the educational process; carry out the selection and structuring of educational material on the subject of the lesson; compose training tasks, exercises, tests on the subject of training sessions; analyze and summarize advanced pedagogical experience; apply some methods of psychological and pedagogical research (observation, conversation, questioning, testing, experiment, etc.).