Famous Painter at Manas with “Impressions” Exhibition

  • 2022-04-06

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University keeps supporting art.

Kyrgyz State Artist and famous Painter Süyütbek Töröbekov was the guest of the University's Kurmanjan Datka Art Gallery in April 2022.

An opening ceremony of the exhibition titled "Impressions" by Süyütbek Töröbekov held at the gallery on April 6, 2022. Süyütbek Töröbekov presented Rector Prof. Dr. Ceylan his book containing his works of art.

Kurmanjan Datka Art Gallery was opened on April 8, 2021 with the participation of the President of the World Ethnosports Confederation, N. Bilal Erdoğan, in order to support the arts, to increase the awareness of the University in the arts, and integrate the University with the artists.



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