Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Ranked 710th Most Sustainable University in the World

  • 2022-12-19

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University ranked 710th among the "2022 World's Most Sustainable Universities" in the UI Green Metric World University Ranking. Manas University was the only university from Kyrgyzstan to be included in the the list of 1050 universities from 85 countries. Universities are judged on their proven work in “infrastructure”, “energy”, “climate change”, “waste management”, “water management”, “transportation” and “education”.

The UI Green Metric World University Ranking was established by the University of Indonesia in 2010 to draw attention to issues related to global climate change, energy and water conservation, waste recycling and green transportation. Accordingly, Universities are evaluated on a single score that reflects their efforts to implement environmentally friendly and sustainable policies and programs.

With the participation of the world's prestigious universities, the rankings made by the experts of the University of Indonesia draw attention to the sustainability efforts on university campuses and the importance of the issue. The evaluations, which encourage internationalization, also aim to raise global awareness on environmental sensitivity.


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