Green Future Project

  • 2023-04-14

“CCI Kyrgyzstan” carries out many social responsibility activities that benefit society. Especially, CCI Kyrgyzstan`s "Green Future" project in cooperation with Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University is growing. Within the scope of the project initiated last year at the University, 100 more saplings were planted in the Coca Cola "Green Future" area on the campus.

Deputy Rector Dr. Baktygul Kalambekova, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamalbek Karymshakov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Atilla Dursun, CCI Kyrgyzstan General Manager Furkan Aydın, members of Manas University and Coca Cola İçecek attended the event.

In an interview with Manas Television, Deputy Rector Kalambekova wished that every work done would turn into beauty, and would increase friendship, respect and love. 

General Manager Furkan Aydın said that he was very happy to see the saplings planted within the scope of the project they had started last year started to turn into trees. Furkan Aydın stated that he imagined the area allocated to them on the campus turned into a forest area and children were playing under the trees. Aydın also expressed that it is a different excitement to contribute to Kyrgyzstan, Manas University, nature and people.

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, which carries out activities that benefit Kyrgyzstan and society in every field; it is also known for its environmental awareness, constantly greened Campus and social areas that enrich Campus life.


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