ILEF Students Won the “Best Student” Award

  • 2023-04-17

Students of the Faculty of Communication of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University won the "best student" award in the competition where students of the year from the Commonwealth of Independent States countries were selected.

Guldana Nurmuhammad kyzy, a fourth-year student of the Department of Journalism, and Eliza Bekishova, a second-year student of the Department of Journalism, won the "best student" award at the competition organized by the International Student Union in Astana.

Guldana Nurmuhammad kyzy prepared for the competition under the supervision of Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Niyazi Aihan, and Eliza Bekishova prepared under the supervision of Lecturer Dr. Topchugul Narmamatova.

Students from Manas received their awards on April 14, 2023 at a ceremony held at Ishenaly Arabaev University. At the ceremony, Guldana Nurmuhammad kyzy was awarded the "best student" badge and first place award certificate, and Eliza Bekishova was awarded the "best student" badge and second place award certificate. The students advisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Niyazi Ayhan and Dr. Topchugul Narmamatova were presented certificates of appreciation.

In the “Best Student-2023” competition, participants who carried out successful activities in the fields of education, arts and sports competed.


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