Prof. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım Provided Medical Treatment to Our Student

  • 2024-06-08

Prof. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım, a renowned orthopedic specialist from Türkiye and a faculty member at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology in Atatürk University's Faculty of Medicine, provided medical treatment to Madina Aizhigitova, a student at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım visited Bishkek to attend the 4th Turkish World Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress.

In Search of a Cure

After falling off her bicycle and breaking her foot six months ago, Madina Aizhigitova received incorrect treatment at the hospital she initially visited. Upon hearing from doctors that she could face potential disability, her family sought a solution. Madina’s mother, Saule Nurimbetova contacted the Rectorate of Manas University, where Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan personally intervened. Prof. Dr. Ceylan then introduced Madina and her mother to Prof. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım, one of the leading scientists and doctors in Türkiye.

Healing Process

After the examination, Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım stated that Madina's foot needed another intervention and that he could perform the surgery in Bishkek if the necessary conditions were met. Following this, Rector Ceylan coordinated for the procedure, which entailed removing the plate and screws from Madina's right ankle, to take place at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship State Hospital. The surgery was successfully completed.

The Power of the Friendship Hospital

Before the surgery, the Chief Physician of Friendship State Hospital, Cardiologist Samet Yılmaz gave an interview to the reporter of the university's television channel. He stated that the hospital has the best physical and technological conditions in Kyrgyzstan and expressed their satisfaction that such a valuable doctor as Prof. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım performed an operation in their hospital. He also thanked Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, who always supported them.

We are Proud of Manas University and Friendship Hospital

Prof. Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım conveyed his happiness at playing a role in a meaningful endeavor, expressing gratitude to his close friend Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan during his visit to Bishkek for the Congress. He was very impressed by the level of development of Manas University and Friendship Hospital, and he noted that the establishment of these two institutions in the ancestral homeland Kyrgyzstan as a sign of friendship and brotherhood is a source of pride. Madina's mother, Saule Nurimbetova said that this process, which deeply saddened them, came to a happy end with the help of Rector Alpaslan Ceylan. She emphasized that her daughter regained her health thanks to being a student at Manas University and sincerely thanked Rector Ceylan, Dr. Yıldırım, Dr. Yılmaz, and everyone who contributed to the treatment process.

Manas Turns Despair into Hope

Madina's father, Manas Aizhigitov expressed that despite being advised to seek treatment for their daughter in Türkiye after the malpractice incident, they were overwhelmed with despair as they couldn't afford the steep fees demanded by the private hospitals they approached, exceeding 20 thousand dollars. However, they then thought of asking for help from Manas University, where their daughter was studying, and applied to the Rectorate of the Manas University. Rector Alpaslan Ceylan took a sincere interest in them, introduced them to Prof. Dr. Yıldırım, whom they learned is a very distinguished orthopedist in Türkiye. They were all very excited when Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım agreed to operate on their daughter, and they were surprised and happy when they learned that Yıldırım would perform this surgery free of charge.

The Privilege of Being a Member of the Manas Family

Manas Aizhigitov said that they are grateful to Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım, that they will never forget him, and emphasized that their daughter regained her health thanks to being a student of Manas University. They have seen how important it is to be a part of Manas University and express endless thanks to Rector Alpaslan Ceylan. Stating that they were impressed by the modern conditions of the Friendship Hospital and the attention of the doctors, Manas Aizhigitov underlined that from now on he will recommend all his acquaintances to choose the Friendship Hospital for examination and treatment.

The Happiness of Regaining Health

Madina said that she was very happy to have the opportunity to be treated in such a modern hospital, which she did not know existed until today, thanks to the Manas University's Rector Alpaslan Ceylan. Also she emphasized that she would never forget Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım, who performed the surgery that would allow her to return to her old healthy days. She was grateful to him and thanked everyone who took care of her and her family during this process.

Strength in Unity

Rector, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan said that Dr. Ömer Selim Yıldırım, the world-renowned orthopedist from Türkiye, once again showed how conscientious a physician he is. The Rector also emphasized that Dr. Yıldırım took the time to help Madina even during the very busy Congress period. He expressed his happiness in being friends with him and conveyed his gratitude to Prof. Dr. Yıldırım. Rector, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan expressed his thanks to the Chief Physician of Friendship Hospital, successful Cardiologist Samet Yılmaz, who mobilized all the facilities of the hospital for the operation, and to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan emphasized that the cooperation of the institutions of Türkiye has brought great benefits to Kyrgyzstan and the Turkic World in every field. Unity is strength, and they are grateful to all the leaders of the Turkic World, especially President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, who have always supported the Turkic World and Turkic unity. In the statement made by the Chief Physician after the operation, it was reported that the operation was very successful, and Madina will regain her health as soon as possible.


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