An Exclusive İnterview with Rector Alpaslan Ceylan

  • 2024-06-14

Sokol Media News Agency conducted an exclusive interview with the Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan. On May 24, 2024, at the Botanical Garden of the Turkic World of Manas University, the success story of the university and its contributions to the Kyrgyz language were discussed.

A 30-Year Success Story in Education

In the interview, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan provided detailed information about the founding objectives, goals, and educational opportunities offered by Manas University, which has a history of nearly 30 years. He discussed the opportunities provided by the university, conditions for students, application criteria, languages of instruction, teaching staff, and employment opportunities for graduates.

Great Contribution to the Kyrgyz Language

Answering a question from Sokol Media News Agency correspondent Begaiym Kurmanbekova about the university's contribution to the Kyrgyz language, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan emphasized that Manas University has made significant contributions to education in the Kyrgyz language. He highlighted that the university has published nearly fifty books in Kyrgyz and Turkish, prepared educational materials, and created a dictionary including of fifty thousand words. 

Free and Quality Education at an International Level

Additionally, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan stated that Manas University is the only educational institution in Kyrgyzstan that provides quality and free education at an international level. He remarked that the university sets an example for other higher education institutions in the region in the field of education.

You can watch the full interview on Sokol Media News Agency's YouTube channel:


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