Panel of “Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region's 100th year” held in KTMU

  • 2024-10-17

A panel was held in the memory of Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region's 100th year by the History Department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. The panel began with singing the national anthem of both countries on 17 October 2024, in the KTMU Rektorship Conference Hall.

KTMU Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan, Faculty of Literature Dean Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Asık, Deputy Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halit Aslar, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kayrat Belek, History Department Chairman Prof. Dr. Ceenbek Alimbayev, academicians and students attended to the event.

KTMU Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan, who did the opening speech of the panel, pointed out the importance of the history and the state. In his speech, “you are the child and grandchild of the rooted-nation who lives in 21st century. To ensure of a nation's continuousness, it's language, religion, material and nonmaterial cultural is precious. But it's the state that is the biggest foundation to maintain this values. If the state doesn't exist, you'll lose the freedom and independence which constitute of the basis characteristics of the Turks and Kyrgyz.”

Prof Dr. Dogan who refers to the Turkish Kyrgyz philosophers from past to present, “From Kasım Tınıstanov to Cusup Abdrahmanov, from Isenali Arabayev to through all the other ancestors, they all give the same message: “Hey Kyrgyz, hey Turk! Know your history. Know your worth and the civilizations you've built. The biggest power that can stand against persecution is the state. In this globalizing world, the way to protect your youth and identity is knowing your history and ancestors.” he stated.

Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan, in his calling to the youth “Know your ancestors' legacy, continue and develop it. But never break off from your identity. If you become state, you become abiding. You can protect your language, regilion, freedom and independence.” he stated and he said thank you to those who held the panel.

Afterwards, Faculty of Literature Dean Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Asik, besides pointing out Kyrgyz history has a deep-rooted history and Kyrgyz Republic is one of the important branch of Turkic world, he also mentioned the importance of keeping our ancestors' legacy.

Also, he emphasised that language is an undispensable factor for a nation to continue it's existence. It's a duty to act with language consciousness and pass it through to the next generations.

The panel session started after the opening speech. Firstly, Department of History Chairman Prof. Dr. Ceenbeek Alimbayev with his "Turkistan Autonomous People's Struggle” titled presentation, shared important informations on the occasion of Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous's 100th year. Prof. Dr. Ceenbek Alimbayev also made a detailed presentation about the Hokand Autonomous Government (Turkistan National Autonomous Government)

Kyrgyz Republic Center State Archive Deputy Manager Kizbicek Atapova, made a presentation titled “Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region's Formation” and pointed out the importance of the region's historical process. Afterwards, Department of History Lecturer Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roza Abdikulova made a presentation called “Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region's Formation's Reflection to the Photos-Documents.”

The program continued with the presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to the panelists. Event ended with the students' vocalising the song named “Ata-Yurt" in the Faculty of Fine Arts Music class.


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