In moving forward under the slogan “The university that looks forward with confidence” our main mission is to provide our students with high education on an equal basis. In accordance with the international rules, our primary goal is to ensure education and wellbeing regardless of the possibilities and health state of a person. Legal norms and principles adjusted on national and international levels stipulate that all persons have equal rights and oblige employers to provide equal conditions to all. Our university adheres to these responsibilities and strives to ensure students with disabilities with equal rights to education on a high level. Certainly, in delivering these services, the role and contributions of an administrative and teaching staff are of great importance.

Deputy Rector Prof. Dr. A. Ibraev  

(Responsible Person for Bureau for Students with disabilities)



Our bureau was established as the “Bureau for Students with disabilities” and headed by Vice-Rector Prof. Asylbek Kulmyrzaev. It has started its activities with staff specializing in the field of inclusive education made up via cooperation and involvement of pedagogical staff and administrative structures with a record of experience in this specific field. Our Bureau pursues the goal to identify physical, educational, psychological, and social needs of employees and students with disabilities, and by implementing consistent activities it maintains scientific data and assessment, and prepares and submits a report to Rectorate.



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