THE AİM OF THE ENVİRONMENTAL ENGİNEERİNG DEPARTMENT İS; To train Environmental Engineers with professional ethics who can apply their theoretical knowledge and professional skills about environmental protection and environmental engineering activities, design and implement the systems required to solve engineering problems, interpret the results, keep up with the developing technologies, and communicate in state, official and in one foreign language.


1. Apply their knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to environmental engineering problems.

2. Can use the ability to analyze data, experiment, design, interpret results

3. Can design, model and project processes regarding infrastructure and superstructure systems within the scope of environmental engineering, taking into account many factors.

4. Understand the effects of engineering practices on health, environment and safety in universal and societal dimensions and solve the problems reflected in the engineering field.

5. Can work independently within the discipline and in interdisciplinary teams.

6. Can communicate by expressing ideas clearly and concisely, verbally and in writing, formally and in at least one foreign language.

7. Adopting the necessity of lifelong learning follows scientific and technological developments.

8. Have professional and ethical responsibility awareness in engineering applications.

9. Gains knowledge about entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable development.