Fundamental and applied laboratory research is carried out in the Department of Environmental Engineering to study the problems of environmental preservation and the rational use of natural resources. Research methods include ecological engineering, eco-monitoring, radioecology, and other basic processes. Students complete theses on themes such as eco-safe technology, conserving organic and inorganic raw materials, recycling, separation and purification of substances, and assessment of physical and human impacts on the environment. Of course, the programs also include testing air, soil, water quality, research on and calculation of the effects of harmful substances on the environment, ecological chemistry, biotechnology and ecological microbiology, industrial and agricultural ecology, radioecology, health and safety, ecological economics and management, planning and designing ecological and economic research, and flowsheet development. The results of research are directly used in teaching at the Department of Environmental Engineering.
Ongoing Projects
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOBYA. Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University Zero Waste Management and Application.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOBYA. Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by Electrocoagulation Process.
Assoc. Dr. Nurzat TOTUBAYEVA. Assessment of water quality with nanoparticle-based biosensors.
Completed Projects
Prof. Dr. Mustafa DOLAZ. "The Effect of Starch Ethers on Viscosity in Liquid Detergents". (BAP)
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk MAIMEKOV "Decomposition of used polychlorobiphenyls in a gas-liquid medium with the participation of barium, aluminum and calcium + magnesium oxides". (Ministry of Education and Science) 2018-2021.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dolaz. "Synthesis of cellulose derivatives from wastes of textile factories producing socks in Kyrgyzstan, their characteristics and use in the food industry", 2020
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzat Totubaeva. Bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil using bacterial сonsortium, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk Maymekov. Creation of scientific bases for the conversion and utilization of polychlorinated biphenyls in electrical transformers based on alkaline-earth metal oxides, 2017.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzat Totubaeva. Biodegradation oily rags landfill combine Kumtor gold company with microbiological method, 2016.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzat Totubaeva. Disposal of waste fats of Kumtor mine by using microorganisms, 2015-2016.
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk Maymekov. Development of physical and chemical bases of thermal destruction persistent organic pollutants and reduce their concentrations in the gas phase, 2013-2014.
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk Maymekov. Development of physical, chemical and heat-mass transfer ways to reduct emissions from boilers and economic evaluation of their effects on the environment, 2009-2012.
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk Maymekov. Environmental damage assessment of gas emissions on nature and development of the ways of its minimization, 2007-2008.
Prof. Dr. Zarlyk Maymekov. Preparation of carbon dioxide via conversion of technological products for welding, 2003-2006.
Prof. Dr. Kanatbek Kojobayev. Assessment of water pollution of transboundary rivers in Central Asia, 2011-2015.
Prof. Dr. Kanatbek Kojobayev. Development of a new technique and comparison schematic map of the vulnerability of groundwater in northern regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2012-2013.
Prof. Dr. Kanatbek Kojobayev. Development of an electronic inventory of thermo mineral waters of Kyrgyz Republic, 2008.
Prof. Dr. Kanatbek Kojobayev. Development of an electronic inventory of landslides CD (for example Suzak district), 2003-2008.
International Cooperation and Scientific Programs
Our faculty members consistently work with leading researchers from around the world, meeting to exchange ideas and present their work. Professor D. Z. K. Maimekov has presented at conferences in Turkey, Russia, China, Poland, and Kazakhstan. Our faculty members have also traveled with programs such as Fulbright (Professor K. A. Kojobaev, California, 2009-2010), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Senior Lecturer A. Mullabaev, Copenhagen, 2009), and DAAD (K. A. Kemelov, Berlin Technical University).
The following international forums were organized and carried out by the Department of Environmental Engineering:
International Ecological Symposium – 2009, May 20-23, Bishkek (Organizing committee – Associate Professor Nushet Turker, Associate Professor Zeynel Demirel, Professor Doctor Z. K. Maimekov, Professor Dr. T. Dooletkeldieva)
Integrating Science and Higher Education in Eurasian Countries through the Bologna Process and Utilizing Science Parks, December 13-14, 2004, Bishkek. (Organizing committee – Professor Dr. Z. K. Maimekov, Associate Professor A. A. Kulmyrzaev)
Scientific Seminars in our Department
2020-2021 year
Prof. Dr. Zarlık MAYMEKOV, 3.11.2020. Decomposition of toxic waste oils (sovol, sovtol) in a gas-liquid medium with the participation of aluminum oxide.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOBYA, 17.11.2020, Asenic removal by electrocoagulation process
Prof. Dr. Mustafa DOLAZ, 01.12.2020, Synthesis of cellulose derivatives and usage areas
Prof. Dr. Kanatbek KOCOBAEV, 15.12.2020, The impact of opencast mining of the Kara-Keche coal deposit on the environment, including on the content of trace elements in natural waters.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurzat TOTUBAYEVA, 29.12.2020, The current state of sea buckthorn thickets of the Isyk-Kul lake coast.
Dr. Mirlan DAYIROV, 12.01.2021, Regional geomorphological conditions related to recent changes of glacial lakes in the Isyk-Kul basin.