Painting and Graphics Department's Final Exhibition

  • 2023-06-09

On June 9, Painting and Graphic Departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts held their final exhibition. Vice Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Assoc. Prof. Anarbek Ibraev, academicians, students and art lovers attended the event.

Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk stated that he found the students works successful and beautiful. In addition, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk said, “First of all, I would like to thank you very much for inviting me to such a beautiful event. Culture is the art of expressing various aspects of society and life through a work or artifact. All the work you have done since the beginning of the first semester shows how you have changed and improved yourselves. We are happy to see your creative and original works. I am grateful to all teachers. Congratulations to our dear graduates who will begin a new chapter in their lives as soon as they graduate. I also wish our students who will continue their education in the next academic year a nice summer vacation."

The exhibition included installation art, graphic design, painting, poster and textile works prepared by our students.

Dean of the Faculty Assoc. Prof. Anarbek Ibraev said: “Students of the Department of Graphics and Painting have held various exhibitions since the first semester. Today is our final exhibition. Our exhibition includes the most successful works. Each of these paintings has deep meaning. Our students used their imagination to think deeply and comprehend society's problems, and then expressed ways to solve these problems in a painting. Some of them were inspired by great writers like Chyngyz Aitmatov.”

At the end of the event, the owners of the best selected works were presented with prestigious awards from Vista-Artista, which is the main sponsor of the event.

Press and Public Relations Office

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