International 21st Century Educational Research Congress

  • 2023-06-09

Representatives of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University participated in the International Congress on 21st Century Educational Research, which took place online on June 8, 2023. This congress was designed to build the future by focusing on important education studies. There were discussions about future education strategies and researches in the field of education at the congress. Education is a key factor in societies development and progress; the congress opened the doors to an important transformation in education. It also contributed to future generations having a better education experience and to society's progress.

The congress, which was held with the participation of 6 university rectors, was moderated by Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University`s Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Firdevs Savi Chakar. KTMU Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan said the following: “Today, we have joined here to emphasize the importance of modern education and discuss the critical role of research to open wide horizons in education. We know that education research is extremely important because it helps guide, develop and make education more effective. As Manas University, we have undertaken an important education mission, especially in the Turkic World. We attach much importance to being an example for educational institutions in the vast Turkic World geography and contributing in this field.”

Manas University`s Faculty of Humanities Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Erkan Efilti was a member of the congress organizing committee. In addition, academics from Manas University played a significant role in the congress scientific committee. The congress emphasized the strength and diversity of Manas University's academic staff, highlighting the quality of research in education. During the congress, participants shared valuable information and produced creative ideas. This important congress once again demonstrated Manas University's position and innovative approaches in education.

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