Establishment of Kyrgyzstan's Independence

  • 2023-06-15

On 14 June 2023, a seminar titled “Establishment of Kyrgyzstan's Independence" was held at the Kasym Tynystanov Conference Hall with the participation of Prof. Dr. Medetkan Sherimkulov, Member of the Council of Elders of the Organization of Turkic States.

KTMU Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, Deputy Rector Dr. Baktygul Kalambekova, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk, academicians, administrative staff and students attended the seminar.

The seminar started with the national anthems of both countries. Deputy Rector Baktygul Kalambekova pointed out that Medetkan Sherimkulov first proposed the use of Kyrgyz as the state language in 1989. Dr. Baktygul Kalambekova said: "Everyone living in Kyrgyzstan knows Medetkan Sherimkulov well. I am proud to work with him."

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan said: “I am very happy that Kyrgyz aksakal Medetkan Sherimkulov is here with us today. I welcome him. We have hosted Turkish aksakal Binali Yıldırım twice before. I hope we will host the aksakals of other Turkish countries here and benefit from their vast knowledge.In general terms, it has been a thousand years since the Turks came to Anatolia. However, in fact, we didn`t come to Anatolia a thousand years ago. We have been in Anatolia since 2000 BC with the Scythian Turks. We will not return to Central Asia, but we will unite Central Asia and Anatolia. As our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated, this century will be the “Century of Turkey”. Turks have no language except Turkish. We hope the next step is alphabet unity. I express my eternal gratitude to our leaders who gave us this."

Prof. Dr. Medetkan Sherimkulov said: "Kyrgyzstan is sacred for me. I am one of the many people who fought for Kyrgyzstan's independence. Our language and culture aren`t united with Anatolia today. This brotherhood was inherited from our ancestors thousands of years ago. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said: "When the time comes, we will find our brothers in Asia." There will come a time when our languages and alphabets will be closer and we will understand each other without interpreters." We need to protect our brotherhood. Unity is the most precious wealth. If we look at Chinese history, the Kyrgyz have 3000 years of history. As the Kyrgyz people, we have come this far despite all difficulties. We have preserved the Kyrgyz language. We preserved our civilization and culture. The Manas Epic united the Kyrgyz wherever they were in the world. 2024 will be the Kyrgyz State's centennial. In 1929, the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic was 1927 kilometers. Kyrgyz people are protected by God. To establish a state, you need land, people, rulers, a coat of arms, a flag and a national currency. Fortunately, today we have our own state and all these things. There are newly established factories in the country, and I believe it will continue to develop in the future as well. At that time we announced the establishment of the Kyrgyz State under Askar Akaev. The country that was happy about our independence was Turkey. I believe that communication between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan will grow."

At the end of the seminar, Medetkan Sherimkulov, Member of the Council of Elders of the Organization of Turkic States, was presented with a gift on behalf of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Afterwards, Medetkan Sherimkulov was a guest on Manas Television and spoke about Kyrgyzstan's independence.

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