II. International Congress on Bee Sciences

  • 2023-06-21

On 14-15-16 June 2023, the International Congress on Bee Sciences (ICbees) was held online in partnership with Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Afyon Kocatepe University, Zafer Teknopark, and the Apiculture and Bee Products Association (APIDER). Scientists from 55 countries participated in the congress. During the three days of the congress, 130 oral and poster papers were presented.

President of the Congress Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulash Ajaroz thanked Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University`s Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan and Afyon Kocatepe University`s Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karakash for their support.

The congress emphasized the importance of bees as one of the most important creatures in the ecosystem. It was also stated that bees contribute valuable products such as honey and pollen to human health. It was emphasized that bees have faced threats such as climate change, habitat loss, pesticide use and bee diseases in recent years. The IBCbees Congress was also organized to bring together bee science experts to protect bees. In addition, the need to support and encourage young researchers and future beekeepers was stated among the congress objectives.

Press and Public Relations Office


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