Manas University Awarded Certificates to Holy Quran Course Participants

  • 2023-06-23

“Quran Course” was organized by the Religious Services Counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Bishkek and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University’s Faculty of Theology within the scope of “Social Responsibility Projects”. At the program, certificates were presented to child participants in the 3-week (30 hours) course.

The program was attended by the Religious Services Counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Bishkek Nursel Ozturk, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Turk, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, academicians, students, and their families. Children who received their participation certificates shared their joy with their families. The Faculty of Theology’s Dean expressed his gratitude to the Religious Services Counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Bishkek and the Rectorate of KTMU for their support of social responsibility projects. The Embassy and the Rectorate officials stated that they were pleased to take part in such social responsibility projects. They also stated that they would take part in many similar projects in the future.

Press and Public Relations Office

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