Famous Artist Refik Aziz at KTMU

  • 2023-07-23

Azerbaijan State Artist, painter and academician Prof. Dr. Refik Aziz visited our university on July 21, 2023. Manas University's Faculty of Fine Arts Lecturer Temirbek Musakeev became the first Kyrgyz in Kyrgyz history to be elected a member of the UNESCO Plastic Art Federation. Prof. Dr. Refik Aziz came from Turkey to present Temirbek Musakeev`s membership card. At the meeting, Temirbek Musakeev's membership card was presented by Prof. Dr. Refik Aziz and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University's Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan.

Prof. Dr. Refik Aziz has more than 200 oil paintings in Turkey's biggest museums. His works are printed on commemorative coins, and he served as chief painter in the Turkish Armed Forces for many years. The famous painter stated that he would participate in many events at our university in the future. 

Famous Prof. Dr. Refik Aziz gave advice to youth who want to make a career in the culture and art field. He said: “If you don't work for a day, you lose a week; if you don't work for a week, you lose a month; if you don't work for a month, you lose a year. For this, you need to keep working no matter what.”


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