Science Camp Lessons Continue with Different Topics

  • 2023-09-14

The “Science Camp” lessons of the Digital Citizenship of the Turkic World Project, which is the largest volunteer-based project in the Turkic World, are ongoing. On September 13, 2023, the General Secretary of our university, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay Ozgul, delivered a seminar on the “Historical Geography of the Turkic World” to the participating students.

During the seminar, held at KTMU, detailed explanations were provided about the historical general outlines of the Turkish World and its geography, the general geographical characteristics of the Turkish World, and the socio-economic, cultural, and artistic aspects of both nomadic and settled cultures. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay Ozgul emphasized that the sense of unity and solidarity would increase as historical awareness grows through this project. Additionally, he made significant points regarding the concept of homeland, stating, “Every place where the Turkish language is spoken is a homeland for us.”

The seminar garnered great interest and appreciation from the students in attendance. At the end of the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay Ozgul took the time to answer the students' questions.


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