The Rise of Regionalism in Global Politics: The Organization of Turkic States

  • 2023-11-03

On November 1, 2023, the 3rd Manas Forum, themed "The Rise of Regionalism in Global Politics: the Organization of Turkic States," took place at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. This international conference was organized to provide a scholarly assessment of the Organization of Turkic States, key issues within the Turkic World, potential solutions, and prospects for collaboration on these matters. The event also explored the dynamics of globalization and regionalization movements.

The opening ceremony of the forum was held at Kasym Tynystanov Conference Hall. The Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Kyrgyzstan, Ahmet Sadyk Dogan; the Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan; the Deputy Rector, Dr. Baktygul Kalambekova; rectors and academicians from Turkic World universities; the Chair of the Central Asian Research Center, Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu; TIKA Bishkek Program Coordinator Mehmet Bodur; as well as academicians and students attended the event.

The forum commenced with the national anthems of both countries and was followed by the screening of an introduction film about our university.

At the scientific event organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye to Kyrgyzstan, as well as the participation of various organizations and universities, including the Organization of Turkic States, TURKSOY, TIKA, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Istanbul Gelisim University, and Social Sciences University of Ankara, Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu, Chair of the Central Asian Research Center (ORASAM), provided information about the 3rd Manas Forum and the work conducted by ORASAM. Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu mentioned that they collaborated with several universities to determine and develop the forum's theme and expressed his appreciation to them.

He also emphasized that the participation of leading academics in the field at the conference was made possible with the support of TIKA and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities. He extended his gratitude to the Organization of Turkic States and the Embassy of Türkiye to Kyrgyzstan for their contributions to internationalize the forum. Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu also acknowledged the pivotal role played by Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, in initiating and actualizing the forum idea, as well as hosting the event. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Nasuh Uslu highlighted that 80 academicians from diverse countries, including Türkiye, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Germany, Russia, and India, will be presenting their research and insights across 12 different sessions.

Deputy Rector, Dr. Baktygul Kalambekova expressed her gratitude to the participants for their invaluable contributions and stated: "Our language, common origin, historical ties, and rich culture serve as the foundation of our unity. History has repeatedly shown that understanding our heritage is a crucial step towards understanding and engaging with the wider world."

Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan emphasized the significance of the results derived from the 3rd Manas Forum for the Turkic World. Rector Alpaslan Ceylan stated, "Our youth, who represent our future, play a vital role in preserving language unity within the Turkic World. We firmly believe that new educational institutions will be pivotal in strengthening and sustaining this unity."

Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Bishkek, Ahmet Sadyk Dogan commenced his speech with a heartfelt expression of gratitude to Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University for hosting the forum. Ambassador Dogan highlighted the adverse impacts of global politics and globalization, emphasizing how these factors can directly influence the well-being of communities and individuals, even impacting the nutrition and welfare of children. Within this context, he underscored the crucial need for cooperation and solidarity in addressing these issues.

Regarding the significance of the Organization of Turkic States, Ambassador Dogan stressed that this organization plays a pivotal role in promoting regional stability and peace. Ambassador Dogan concluded his speech by wishing success to all the participants of the forum and expressed, "The invaluable academic contributions made by Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia cannot be underestimated."

Dr. İsrafil Kurulay, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Commerce University, expressed his profound pride in participating in the Manas Forum. He emphasized his belief that globalization and regionalization must be rooted in principles of justice and humanity. Dr. İsrafil Kurulay emphasized the forum's significant role in the realms of international relations, fostering intercultural understanding, and promoting human rights.

Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa from Social Sciences University of Ankara highlighted the importance of the Manas Forum being held at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. He stressed that this forum would play a pivotal role in enhancing regional cooperation and integration.

Mehmet Bodur, the TIKA Program Coordinator, provided participants with insights into TIKA's ongoing initiatives. He underscored TIKA's commitment to developing international cooperation projects aimed at preserving cultural heritage and ensuring its transmission to future generations.

The forum, comprised of 12 in-person and online sessions, continued its proceedings on November 2, 2023. Such events serve as a crucial stride in the growth and fortification of the Turkic World.


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