Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek Was Awarded a Plaque at the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) Academic Conference in Bangladesh

  • 2023-11-06

From November 2 to 4, 2023, representatives from quality agencies, higher education institutions, and government officials convened at the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) Academic Conference and Annual General Meeting to collaborate on quality assurance in higher education. The conference hosted by the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) in Dhaka, addressed important topics such as transformational teaching-learning, digital quality assurance, and university-industry linkages. As is the tradition every year, the conference provided a significant platform by bringing together experts from around the world in the field of quality assurance.

Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek, Advisor to the Rector of KTMU, participated as a keynote speaker and shared his knowledge and experience in this field. His profound knowledge, engaging presentation, and thought-provoking insights enriched the conference, inspiring participants with his views on quality assurance.

This prestigious conference significantly contributed to APQN's mission to create a regional quality network. Bilateral academic cooperation agreements were reached between universities in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Korea, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and India. At the end of the conference, Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek was presented with a plaque and a certificate of appreciation for sharing valuable information with conference participants. Furthermore, he was selected as a referee for the commission responsible for selecting the awards to be given at the QS 2023 Asia University Summit.


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