Kyrgyz Concept Company Organized a Seminar on “Sustainable Tourism” for Students

  • 2023-11-22

On November 21, 2023, a seminar on “Sustainable Tourism” was organized for the students of the Faculty of Tourism by representatives of the “Kyrgyz Concept” company at the KTMU Kasym Tynystanov Conference Hall.

Seminar participants engaged with representatives of Kyrgyz Concept, the leading tourism company in Kyrgyzstan and received detailed information about the concept of sustainable tourism and the pivotal role of guides in the tourism industry.

In the opening speech of the seminar, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Guntekin Shimshek emphasized the significance of sustainable tourism to the students and expressed gratitude to the “Kyrgyz Concept” company for their valuable contribution to our university.

Throughout the event, students posed questions about tourism to company representatives and gained insightful information. Simultaneously, students shared their perspectives and experiences.


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