Seminar on “Art Supplies Using Leather” Was Held for Faculty of Fine Arts Students

  • 2023-11-29

On November 24, 2023, the Faculty of Fine Arts at Manas University hosted a seminar on the “Creating Art Supplies from Leather,” featuring the participation of the talented jeweler Sagyn Dedieva, an honorary member of the Women's Congress of the Kyrgyz Republic. Sagyn Dedieva, a seasoned master with years of experience crafting jewelry in her workshop, meticulously explained the key considerations in producing leather art supplies to the attending students. She emphasized the longstanding tradition of Kyrgyz people incorporating leather household items, noting that even today, these items continue to captivate interest, particularly among foreigners who admire their craftsmanship.

The interactive format of the event allowed students to closely examine the intricate details of the leather products presented by Sagyn Dedieva. Prof. Dr. Çagatay Akengin, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, expressed that the seminar not only left a lasting impression but also provided students with new perspectives within the realm of art. In recognition of Sagyn Dedieva's significant contribution, the Dean presented her with a certificate of appreciation.


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