The Scientific Research Seminars Have Been Successfully Completed

  • 2024-06-01

The last seminar of the “Scientific Research Design Seminars” series held during the 2023-2024 academic year, under the coordination of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University’s Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Board (BAYEK) Chairman and Advisor to the Rector, Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan, took place on May 30, 2024. In the final seminar, titled “Scientific Ethics and Plagiarism (Technical Dimension: Software),” Prof. Dr. Recai Doğan emphasized the importance of reliability in scientific research.

During the second part of the seminar, expert Dinara Bastaubayeva from the company “StrikePlagiarism” presented information about the software used to detect plagiarism. Participants learned how to check their work by registering individually on the website “” Detailed information was provided about how the system works and how to check for similar works in “Scopus” and other databases.

Expert Dinara Bastaubayeva explained how artificial intelligence determines the similarity ratios of texts. She mentioned that users can also view a list of all the sources used in the study through this database.

In the question and answer session following the presentations, participants had the opportunity to ask the speakers about topics they were interested in.

The “Scientific Research Design Seminars,” successfully completed during the 2023-2024 academic year, provided valuable information to participants about the ethical rules they should observe in scientific research processes and plagiarism detection methods.

The program concluded with the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the speakers.


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