2023-2024 Academic Year Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony

  • 2024-06-27

On June 26, 2024, the Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony for the 2023-2024 Academic Year was held at the Rectorate Conference Hall of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. The ceremony started with the national anthems of the two brotherly countries and continued with the university's introduction film.

Making the opening speech of the graduation ceremony, the Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Prof. Dr. İsmet Altıntaş gave general information about the institute. Prof. Dr. İsmet Altıntaş emphasized, “We have an understanding that keeps love, respect, solidarity, and cooperation at the highest level under the roof of the Manas family. This university carries a beauty for every eye that sees and a warmth for every heart that feels.”

Emphasizing that Manas University is strong and protective like a plane tree, Prof. Dr. İsmet Altıntaş said to the graduates, “Our university is a door that opens to reading a book beyond dreams, a book that has not yet been written. You have been blessed to pass through this door. May your path be clear,” and wished them success.

Graduation is a Success After a Challenging Process

In his opening speech, Deputy Rector Prof. Dr. Almaz Ibraev stated that the graduation came after a difficult process and said, “You have worked hard and tired. Now the hard days are over. Today, after receiving your diploma, a new blank page opens in front of you.” Emphasizing that this new page will be shaped entirely by the attitude, behavior, and decisions of the students, Prof. Dr. Almaz Ibraev emphasized, “What you write there, what you fill in, what you leave as history will be relevant to you and will be valuable.”

Prof. Dr. Almaz Ibraev emphasized the importance of not only believing in destiny but also creating it, and said: “It is in our hands whether we will be successful or not. Use today's opportunity well, continue your studies, and achieve success.”

Graduating from Manas University is a Great Privilege

Then, Rector of Manas University, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan started his speech by thanking the organizers of the ceremony. Addressing the graduates, he said, “You chose the difficult and succeeded. You can be proud of yourselves. It is a great privilege to graduate from Manas University with a doctorate and master's degree. It is the main duty of Manas University to train academicians for Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, and the Turkic World.”

Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan emphasized the importance of quality in education by saying, “Universities are not measured by the number of graduates or the number of students, but by the quality of the students they train.”

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan continued his speech by saying, “We believe that our graduates will achieve great success in Central Asia, Türkiye, and the world.” He concluded his speech with the words of Chyngyz Aitmatov: “The hardest thing for anyone is to be a human being every day.”

After the opening speeches, the soloists of the Turkish World Orchestra, Azat Sadykov and Elmira Tazhieva took the stage and sang beautiful songs.

Speaking on behalf of the graduates, Dr. Van Guk, a citizen of the Republic of Korea, and Dr. Cengiz Begimkulov, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expressed their pride in graduating from Manas University and thanked all the academicians and staff who contributed.

The most exciting part of the ceremony started with the presentation of certificates of achievement to doctoral and master's graduates. The certificates of achievement presented by the university administrators, Deans of Faculties, and Heads of Departments caused both proud and emotional moments on the stage.

As Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, we sincerely congratulate our graduates and wish them continued success.


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