Training on the Electronic Document Circulation System Organized for Manas University's Employees

  • 2024-09-20

On September 20, 2024, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University held a significant training on the electronic document circulation system for its academic and administrative staff. The training, conducted by experts from the state organization “Infocom,” under the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, aimed to enhance the university staff’s skills in digital document management.

Infocom's chief specialist Begimai Baktybekova, along with information systems specialists Kasiet Alisherova and Adelya Bakaeva, provided a comprehensive explanation of the system’s functions. The training covered various aspects of document preparation, drafting, reconciliation stages, and execution control.

Manas University's Deputy Rector, Prof. Dr. Almaz Ibraev, as well as the deans of faculties, department secretaries, and administrative staff participated in the training. In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Almaz Ibraev highlighted the importance of keeping internal and external documents up-to-date and accurate within the university. He emphasized the necessity for employees to effectively utilize the electronic document circulation system.

It was noted that all state and municipal organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic use the electronic document circulation system developed by Infocom, and the goal is to ensure its successful implementation at Manas University.


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