Rector - Professor A. Ceylan, PhD.
Was born in 1959 in Erzurum. In 1979, after graduating from school, he entered the Department of History of the Higher Pedagogical School named after Kazim Karabekir, in Erzurum. Then he continued his studies at the Department of History of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities of the Ataturk University. In 1989, he was appointed to the position of a junior researcher in the Department of History of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities. In 1991, he defended his master’s thesis on the topic “International relations and treaties in Anatolia in the II century BC”, and in 1994 - a doctoral dissertation on the topic “International relations and treaties in Ancient Anatolia (in the 2nd and 1st centuries)”. In 1995 he was appointed as acting associate professor, in 2002 - associate professor, and due to his active research activities in Türkiye and Central Asia - for the position of professor, in 2009. 2013 – 2016 worked as dean of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities at Ardahan University.
Alpaslan Ceylan is a specialist in the field of the history of the Ancient World, the culture of the Turkic peoples, historical geography, and strategy. Over the past 25 years of his scientific research activities, he has been engaged in archaeological explorations, excavations, and implementation of projects on the ancient history of Eastern Anatolia, North-Eastern Anatolia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. He was involved in the implementation of projects in the field of culture and history of the Turkic peoples in the following countries:
In addition to this, he was engaged in research activities in the following countries: such as Albania, France, India, and Syria.
Alpaslan Ceylan is the author of numerous scientific works and articles in the field of Eastern Anatolia research. Under his scientific supervision, 30 master’s and doctoral dissertations were successfully defended.
He took part in over 500 conferences and panel discussions. He is a member of many scientific associations and organizations. Along with research activities, since 1999 he has been the President of the Gunesh (Güneş) Culture and Art Foundation, headquartered in Erzurum. As the President of the Gunesh Foundation:
He served as Chairman of the I International Festival of Turkic Peoples in 2007, the II International Festival of Turkic Peoples in 2009, the III International Festival of Turkic Peoples in 2012, the IV International Festival of Turkic Peoples in 2016, and the Festival of Culture and Sports of Turkic Peoples in 2018. Within the framework of the IV International Festival of Turkic Peoples by the Writers’ Union of Chuvashia “For services to the Turkic World” was awarded the medal named after Vasiliy Mitta (Vaślejĕ Mitta).
2012 - 2016, he served as President of the Federation of Traditional Sports of Türkiye. In this regard, he was a member of the Organizing Committee of the I World Nomad Games (September 7-14, 2014, Kyrgyzstan) and the II World Nomad Games (September 02-09, 2016 Kyrgyzstan) and concurrently the head of the Turkish sports delegation. Since 2016, he has been appointed as Honorary President of the Federation of Traditional Sports of Türkiye. He was appointed as the Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University in 2020 and continues to hold this position.
He is married and has two children.
E-Mail : /
Telephone (Office) : +996 (312) 49 27 60
Address : 25240, Erzurum, Ataturk University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History /720038, Bishkek, Kyrzgyzstan Chyngyz Aitmatov Campus (Djal)
Specialization: Ancient History, Institute of Social Sciences, Atatürk University, 1991 - June 21, 1994;
Dissertation thesis:
International Relations and Treaties of the Ancients Anatolia (II and I Centuries)
Scientific supervisor:
Master’s degree:
Specialization: Ancient History, Institute of Social Sciences, Atatürk University, 1990 - July 11, 1991;
Dissertation thesis:
International Relations and Treaties of Anatolia in II Century BC
Scientific supervisor:
Bachelor's degree:
Specialization: History, Department of History, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Atatürk University, 1981 - November 7, 1985
Position and academic degree
Junior research worker
Atatürk University
Department of History, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Acting associate professor
Atatürk University
Department of History, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Associate professor
Atatürk University
Department of History, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Atatürk University
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
- Akın BİNGÖL. «History of Sarıkamış and its surroundings» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 1995;
- İhsan Sabri BALKAYA. «Hasankale and its surroundings from ancient times to the collapse of state Urartu» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 1995;
- Mehmet YUMAK. «Aşkale and its surroundings from ancient times to the collapse of state Urartu» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 1995;
- Mehmet ÖZMENLİ. «Gümüşhane and Bayburt in ancient times» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 1996;
- Sefa YILDIRIM. «Oltu and its surroundings in ancient times» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 1998;
- Veli ÜNSAL.«İspir and its surroundings in ancient times» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2000;
- Elif GÖĞEBAKAN. «Üzümlü and its surroundings in ancient times» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of social sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2001;
- Oktay ÖZGÜL. «Historical and archeological research on the territory of Tortum and Narman» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2007;
- Yavuz GÜNAŞDI. «Historical and archeological research on the territory of Şenkaya, Erzurum province» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2007;
- Hatice YALÇIN. «Historical and archeological research on the territory of Niksar» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2010;
- Nusret Burak ÖZSOY. «Hınıs and its surroundings in ancient times» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2012;
- Karam DARZİEV. «The life of Georgiy Aleksandrovich Melikishvili and his contribution to the history of the state Urartu» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2015;
- Ozlem BAKAN. «Study of Horasan ceramics in the light of research of eastern Anatolia» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2013;
- Gökhan KALMIŞ. «Historical and archeological research on the territory of Alucra» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2014;
- Rafia TOPLAOĞLU. «Study of Pasinler (Hasankale) ceramics in the framework of research of eastern Anatolia» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2015;
- Hülya AKGÜLLÜ.«Historical and archeological research on the territory of province Tekman» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2019;
-Baktiyar KELDİBEKOV. «The sun motifs on Saimaly-Tash rock arts» (unpublished master’s dissertation). Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2023.
- Veli ÜNSAL. «Çoruh river basin in ancient times» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2006;
- Sefa YILDIRIM. «Historical and archeological research in Okçular/Berta River basin and its surroundings» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2006;
- İbrahim ÜNGÖR. «İslahiye and its surroundings in ancient times». (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2011;
- Oktay ÖZGÜL.«Aras (upper)valley in ancient times» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2011;
-Yavuz GÜNAŞDI. «Findings of Historical and archeological research of Karasu River basin (upper stream) (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2013;
- Hatice YALÇIN. «Craft and craftsmen of Hittites» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2015;
- Göknil ARDA. «Anthropomorphic vessels of eastern Anatolia in the process of transition from bronze age to iron age» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Social Sciences of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2017;
- Ayşe Nur MORKOÇ. «Craft and craftsmen of the state Urartu» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2017;
- Gökhan KALMIŞ. «Ardahan in the light of historical and archeological findings» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2017;
- Fitnat ŞİMŞEK. «The role and the place of women in public life of Anatolia (periods of Assyrians trade colonies and Hittites great power) (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2019;
- Özlem ALKAN. «Artvin in the light of historical and archeological findings» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Rresearch of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2019;
- Leyla ÇIRALI. «Tebriz in the light of historical and archeological findings (from the moment of foundation to the end of iron age» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2020;
- Tuğrul BATMAZ. «Historical geography of Karasu river basin (downstream) in the light of historical and archeological findings» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2021;
- Murat ÇİFTÇİ. «Texts of military propaganda in Urartu cuneiform inscriptions and their valuation» (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Turkic Research of Ataturk University, Erzurum, 2022.
- Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu. Research project. Project manager, 1999-2002 (NATIONAL PROJECT).
- Research of historical and archaeological data on the Çoruh (Chorukh) river basin. Research project. Project Manager, 2001-2004 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Discovery of traces of ancient Turkic settlements in the territory of Erzurum province, which have survived to the present day. Research project. Project Manager, 2003–2005 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Politics, economics and security of Eurasia. Research project. Project Manager, 2005-2006 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Discovery of traces of the first settlements of the Turkic tribes on the territory of Eastern and North-Eastern Anatolia, the Caucasus. Research project. Project Manager, 2005-2009 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples. Research project. Project Manager, 2008–2010 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the territory of Otlukbeli. Research project with the support of universities. Research Scientist, 30/06/2014–18/02/2016 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan. Project manager, source of funding: government organizations (except for universities), 12/08 / 2014–18 / 12/2015 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Ardahan province and its cultural heritage. Research project with the support of universities. Research Scientist, 01/01/2015 - 01/09/2015 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage before the Neolithic and Neolithic times in the central region of Şanlıurfa. Research scientist, source of funding: government organizations (except for universities), 14/10 / 2016–14 / 12/2016 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the provinces of Erzincan and Erzurum. Project manager, source of funding: government organizations (except for universities), 19/10 / 2016–30 / 10/2016 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Discovery of places of ancient settlements of the era of the state of Urartu and the Kuro-Arak culture in the provinces of Kars and Igdir. Research scientist, source of funding: government organizations (except for universities), 07/11 / 2016–18 / 11/2016 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of the Selenga river basin in the northwestern Mongolia. Project Supervisor: Alpaslan CEYLAN,2017 (INTERNATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan. Project manager: Alpaslan CEYLAN, research scientists: Bakhattin ÇELIK, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Akın BINGÖL, funding source: government organizations (except for universities), 02/10 / 2017-15 / 10/2017 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage on the territory of the provinces of Kars and Igdir. Project supervisor: Akın BİNGÖL, research scientists: Alpaslan CEYLAN, Bahattin ÇELIK, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, funding source: government organizations (except for universities), 16/10/2017 - 29/10/2017 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of the Selenga river basin in northwestern Mongolia. Project Supervisor: Alpaslan CEYLAN,2018 (INTERNATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the provinces of Erzincan and Erzurum. Project supervisor: Alpaslan CEYLAN, research scientists: Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Gökhan KALMIŞ, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Bahattin ÇELIK, Nezahat CEYLAN, funding source: Turkish Historical Society, 18/12 / 2018–16 / 12/2019 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the province of Agra and Pantos region. Project supervisor: Nezahat CEYLAN, research scientists: Gökhan KALMIŞ, Alpaslan CEYLAN, funding source: Turkish Historical Society, 18/12 / 2018–20 / 12/2019 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the territory of the province of Artvin, dating back to the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. Project supervisor: Oktay ÖZGÜL, research scientists: Alpaslan CEYLAN, Huseyin METIN, Özlem ALKAN, Beyazit SÖYLEMEZ, Suat VURAL, Bakhattin ÇELIK, Yavuz YEĞIN, Aişe Nur MORKOÇ, funding source: government organizations (except for universities), 28/12/2018 –27/12/2019 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the Eneolithic, Bronze and Iron ages in the province of Agra and Eleşkirt region. Project supervisor: Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, research scientists: Erdoğan COŞKUN, Alperen KAYSERILI, Işak KÜÇÜKYILDIZ, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ertan KÜÇÜKEFE, funding source: Turkish Historical Society, 28/12 / 2018–16 / 12/2019 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Archaeological exploration of objects of historical and cultural heritage on the territory of the provinces of Kars and Igdir. Project supervisor: Akın BINGÖL, research scientists: Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN, Mustafa KARAGEÇI, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Bahattin ÇELIK, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, funding source: government organizations (except for universities), 29/08/2019–30/11 / 2019 (NATIONAL PROJECT);
- Ketmen-Tobo archaeological excavations (Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan). (2023). Project supervisor: Prof.Dr.Kubatbek TABALDİYEV, research scientists: Prof.Dr.Alpaslan CEYLAN, Prof.Dr.Anıl YILMAZ, Prof.Dr.Alpaslan AŞIK, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Nezahat CEYLAN, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Oktay ÖZGÜL., KTMU-BAP-2023.SB.06 (Research project), 2023. SB.10 (INTERNATIONAL PROJECT).
- Archaeological exploration of Kyrgyzstan (2023). Project supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Oktay ÖZGÜL, research scientists: Prof.Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Prof.Dr. Kubatbek TABALDİEV, Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nezahat CEYLAN, Prof.Dr. Alpaslan AŞIK, Assistant Prof. Kayrat BELEK, PhD. Ulanbek ALİMOV, Uzman Ali Kürşad SALIN, KTMU-BAP-2023.SB.06 (Research Project), (NATIONAL PROJECT).
- The assessment of ceramics of Khorasan Province in the light of Eastern Anatolian researches. Research Project, Project Manager, 2013 (Ongoing) (NATIONAL PROJECT).
- The Writers Union of Chuvashia “Vasiliy Mitta” State Medal (2018)
- Outstanding Service Medal of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021)
- Erkin-Too Newspaper, 30th Anniversary Award (2021).
- Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Medal, Kazakhstan (2021)
- The Certificate of Honor by the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021).
- Certificate of Appreciation by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan (2021)
- Medal of Honor by the Kyrgyz State Radio and Television Corporation (2022).
- The “Red Apple” Award by the Union of Architects and Engineers of Turkic World (2023)
- The Best Research and Book Award 2023 by the Eurasian Writers Union (2023)
- The Federation Medal by the Mas-Wrestling Federation (2023)
- Medal for Contribution to the Development of Military-Civilian Cooperation by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic (2023)
- Outstanding Service Medal by the Kyrgyz Kurosh Federation (2024)
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (1995). Treaty with the Ismeriga country in terms of international relations// ‘Research Journal of Humanities’ Faculty of Natural Science and Humanities. (22). 1995. № 933676. p. 1-13.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (1996). The prayer text of Arnuwanda and Asmunikal and its evaluation from a historical perspective// Research Journal of Humanities of the Faculty of Science and Humanities. (23). 1996. № 933694. p. 1-12;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (1998). Two Urartu-era cauldrons in the Wan Museum// Journal of the Ataturk University, Institute of Art (4). 1998. № 933706. p. 59-65;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2000). Historical archaeological study in Çayırlı// Journal of the Ataturk University, Institute of Turkic Studies. (15). 2000. № 933797. p. 277-291;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). Kurgan Cinis as an important center of the Erzurum Plain//‘Research Journal of Humanities of the Faculty of Science and Humanities of Ataturk University’. (26). 2001. № 933838. p. 29-42;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). The bronze cellars of the Urartu State Museum in Wan//Research Journal of Humanities of the Faculty of Science and Humanities of Ataturk University (26). 2001. № 933846. p. 1-27;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). The bronze jugs of the Urartu State in the Wan and Erzurum Museums// Research Journal of Humanities of the Faculty of Science and Humanities of Ataturk University. (26). 2001. № 933852. p. 43-56;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay BELLİ (2002). A Bronze Age and Urartian Fortress in the Northeast Anatolia // Yogunhasan Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archeology. TÜBA-AR (5). 2002. No. 933399. p. 121-142.
- Margaret PAYNE, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2003). A New Urartian Inscription from Agri Pirabat // Studi Micenei Ed Egeo-Anatolici (SMEA). Fascicolo XIV 2. Rome, 2003. No. 933445. p. 191-201;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2008). Historical and archaeological research on the territory of Kagyzman // Journal of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities of the Caucasus University. Kars, 2008. No. 934044;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2008). Assessment of the results of archaeological exploration in the territory of North-Eastern Anatolia // Journal of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities of the University. Ataturk. Erzurum, 2008. No. 934054;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Margaret PAYNE (2011). More Inscrıbed Urartıan Stones from Erzurum Museum// SMEA Studi Micenei Ed Egeo- Anatolici 53 Roma.2011. p.189-194.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2015). The existence of Armenians in Anatolia and historical realities // Journal of the Faculty of Humanities of the Trakya University. 5 (10). 2015. No. 2168280. p. 1-30;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2017). Kingdom of Diahuehi and Urartian tribes in Northeast Anatolia from the perspective of new discoveries// Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Caucasus University (20). 2017. № 4086804. p. 517-568;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2017). Evaluation of the Urartian inscriptions found on the territory of Erzurum and its environs from the point of view of history // Journal of Academic History and Thought. 1 (14). 2017. No. 4086773. p. 313-350;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Gökhan KALMIŞ (2019). Fortress of the Sovereign and surrounding settlements: important center of the Surmeline Depression// Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Caucasus University (24). 2019. № 5717271. p. 619-634;
- Nezahat CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2020). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan,2020// Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Caucasus University (26).p.777-804;
- Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, İbrahim ÜNGÖR, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2020). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan in 2019// Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Caucasus University (26).p.661-684;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Seval SALIN AKÇELİK (2021). Obsidian Centers and Workshops Identified in Erzurum Pasinler District in the Light of Surface Surveys//MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 10 (3), 1964-1988.
- Oktay ÖZGÜL, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Beyazıt SÖYLEMEZ (2022). Artvin and its districts, Ancient History Researches in 2019/Journal of Selcuk University, Faculty of Humanities (48), p.145-164.
- RİSVANLİ A, SEN I, CANUZAKOV K, TÜLÖBAYEV A, TAS A, SALYKOV R, CEYLAN N, CEYLAN A, TÜRKÇAPAR Ü, ALİMOV U, KAZAKBAYEVA A, ZHUNUSHOVA A, ABDİMANAP UULU N, YUKSEL B, TURANLİ M, UZ M, BAYRAKTAR M. Stress parameters of horse riders in kök-börü games according to winning and losing situations. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2024 In press.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2015). Rock arts in Başköy, Çıldır Province// Journal ‘BELGÜ’. 2(2). 2015. 1 reference. № 2168056. p. 9-24;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2015). Study of Turkic tribes by inscriptions on stones// Journal “Düşünce Dünyasında TÜRKİZ” – (34). 2015. № 2545840. p. 9-52;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN (2015). Kavuştuk Inscriptions and its analysis// Journal “BELGÜ”, 1 (1), No: 2167904, p.9-2;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2015). Persian-Urartu relations//Political and Cultural Journal “Düşünce Dünyasında TÜRKİZ”. 6(16), p.77-102;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2016). Rock Tombs discovered during archaeological exploration in Northeast Anatolia. Journal “BELGÜ”. 3. p.7-63;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN (2016). Urartians in the Geography of Iran//Journal “Kafdağı” Year-1, №1.2016.p.11-32;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2019).An evaluation on the foreign policy of the Hittite King Šuppiluliuma I (Syria and Egypt)//Journal “Belek”, 1(1). No: 5981611.p.1-15;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2020). An evaluation of archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum, Erzincan, and Kars. Journal “Kafdağı”,5 (1).p.30-65.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2008). The importance of rock paintings in Eastern Anatolia in terms of Turkic History/Journal “Bilim ve Ütopya”; 163-164 January, 2008. (14) Bilim-Ütopya, №934065,p. 26-35
- Mustafa KARAGEÇİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2020). Depictions of Cavalry in Eastern Anatolian Rock Painting//Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür”403, 42-49.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akin BINGÖL (2020). Rock paintings from Borluk Valley, Kars// Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür”. July, 2020 (402).p.52-57.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, İbrahim ÜNGÖR (2020). The Importance of Eastern Anatolia's Rock Paintings in terms of Turkish Cultural History// Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür”. June,2020 (401). p.36-41.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL (2020). Early Stages of Turkic Presence in Anatolia// Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür”.March, 2020.p.14-17.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2020). The Place and Significance of Cunni Cave in Early Anatolian Turkish History// Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür”.April,2020 (400).p.4-9.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN (2021). A symbol of snake in Turkish culture: Snake figure in Yağlıca Castle, Kağızman//Journal “Türk Dünyası Tarih ve Kültür” (409).p.5-9.
- RİSVANLİ A, SEN I, CANUZAKOV K, TÜLÖBAYEV A, TAS A, SALYKOV R, CEYLAN N, TÜRKÇAPAR Ü, ALİMOV U, ZHUNUSHOVA A, KAZAKBAYEVA A, ABDİMANAP UULU N, YUKSEL B, TURANLİ M, UZ M, BAYRAKTAR M, CEYLAN A. The correlation between the hematological and biochemical parameters of the horse and rider in the losing Kökbörü teams. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, 2024, 2, 7, 23-40.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN. Archaeological exploration in the territory of Erzincan province 1998. Collection of conference materials devoted to the results of archaeological exploration. 2 (17). Ankara, 2000. No. 933806. p. 181-192 (full text of the report);
- Oktay BELLİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2000). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses 1998. Collection of materials of the conference devoted to the results of archaeological excavations. 1 (21). 2000. No. 933783. p. 449-466 (full text of the report);
- Oktay BELLİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN. Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses 1999. Collection of materials of the conference devoted to the results of archaeological excavations. 1 (22). Ankara, 2001. No. 933859. p. 385-398 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars, 2000. Proceedings of the conference on the results of archaeological exploration. 2 (19). Ankara, 2002. No. 933883. p. 165-178 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzincan and Erzurum 1999. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. - 1 (18). Ankara, 2001. No. 933868. p. 71-82 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay BELLİ (2001). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses 2000. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations. 2 (23). 2002. No. 933891. p. 275-286 (full text of the report);
- Mustafa ERKMEN, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Hüseyin YURTTAŞ, Mehmet KARAOSMANOĞLU, Barın GÜLER (2001). Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2000. Collection of materials from a symposium dedicated to museum research and rescue archaeological excavations. (12). 2002. No. 933924. p. 73-84 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay BELLİ (2002). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses 2000. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations 2 (23). 2002. p. 275-286 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2002). Archaeological explorations in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars, 2001. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 2 (20). Ankara, 2003. No. 933937. p. 311-324 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2002). Cunni Cave is one of the first settlements of the Turks in the East. Encyclopedia of Turks, Volume 6, Middle Ages. Ankara, 2002. No. 933874. p. 425-429 (full text of the report);
- Mustafa ERKMEN, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2002). Archaeological excavations of the Pasinler fortress 2001. Collection of a symposium’s materials dedicated to museum research and geological-archaeological excavations. - (13). - Ankara, 2003. - No. 933959. - P. 17-28 (full text of the report);
- Oktay BELLİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2003). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses, 2001. Collection of materials of the conference devoted to the results of archaeological excavations. 1 (24) Ankara, 2003. No. 933948 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2003). Glance over the history of ancient Doğubayazıt: from the early Bronze to the Iron Age. Collection of materials of the symposium “Doğubayazıt - the place of the rising sun”, September 13-14, 2003. Istanbul, 2004. No. 933961. p. 41-51 (full text of the report);
- Oktay BELLİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2004). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses, 2002. Collection of materials of the conference devoted to the results of archaeological excavations. 2 (25). 2004. No. 933975. p. 29-40 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2004). Archaeological explorations in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars, 2003. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploration. (22). Ankara, 2005. No. 933988. p. 189-200 (full text of the report);
- Oktay BELLİ, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2005). Archaeological excavations and repair - and - renewal work of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses, 2003. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations. 1 (26). 2005. No. 933997. p. 175-188 (full text of the report);
- CEYLAN ALPASLAN (2005). The Erzincan Erzurum and Kars Region in the Iron Age Anatolian Iron Ages V 2005 Landon 21 29. Anatolian Iron Ages(5) (Yayın No: 933644).
- Necmettin ALP, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akin BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU (2006). Preliminary report on the results of archaeological excavations in the territory of Ardahan and Çıldır provinces, and Akçakale island. Collection of the conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations. (28). p.375-390(full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2006). Archaeological explorations in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars, 2005. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. (24). Ankara, 2007. No. 934015 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2006). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars 2004. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploration. (23). Ankara, 2006. No. 934010 (full text of the report);
- Mustafa ERKMEN, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Fikret ÖZTÜRK, Yasin TOPALOĞLU (2007). Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress 2006. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations 3 (29). No. 2264917 (full text of the report);
- Necmettin ALP, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akin BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU. Preliminary report on the results of archaeological excavations in the territory of Ardahan and Çıldır provinces, and Akçakale island. Collection of the conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations. (29). Ankara, 2007. No. 934028 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2007). Palandöken Mountains and the Archaeological Resources of Sarıkamış. Ecology-based nature education in Palandöken Mountains (Erzurum) and Sarıkamış (Kars)-III. 02-13th July, 2007. Erzurum.p.100-105.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU (2007). Archaeological exploring in Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars provinces 2006. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological explorations. 3 (25). 2008. No. 934072. p. 129-149 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akin BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU (2009). Archaeological explorations in Erzincan, Erzurum, and Kars provinces. 2007. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological explorations. (26). 2009. No. 934081 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2009). Archaeological exploriatıon in the provinces of Erzurum, Erzincan, Kars and Iğdır 2008. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploriatıon. 2 (27). Ankara, 2010. No. 934092. p. 375-399 (full text of the report);
- Mustafa ERKMEN, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Fikret ÖZTÜRK, Yasin TOPALOĞLU (2009). Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum Fortress 2009. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations-III. (30). (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2010). The first Turkic traces in Eastern Anatolia. XV Turkish History Congress, 2010, 1: 425-429.
- Mustafa ERKMEN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Fikret ÖZTÜRK, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2011). Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum Fortress 2009. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations. 3 (32). Ankara, 2011. No. 934107. p. 148-166 (full text of the report);
- Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Akın BİNGÖL, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2011). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdir 2009. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 2 (28). Ankara, 2011. No. 934097. p. 1-21 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Hatice UYANIK (2012). Kaskas and the role of Kaskas in the ancient history of Tokat. Proceedings of Tokat Symposium, Volume 1. 2013. pp.71-82.
- Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Akin BİNGÖL, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2012). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum, Erzincan, Kars, and Iğdır 2010. Collection of materials of the conference on the results of archaeological exploring. 3 (29). Ankara, 2012. No. 934109. p. 49-71 (full text of the report);
- Oktay Ozgul, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR (2012). Archaeological exploring in Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces 2011. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological explorations. 2 (30). Ankara, 2013. No. 934140. p. 277-292 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2013) . Archaeological exploring in Erzincan, Erzurum and Kars provinces 2002. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 2 (21). Ankara, 2004. No. 933967. p. 263-272 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2013). Scythians in the Balkans. Collection of materials of the International Symposium “Language, Culture, and Art of the Balkan Peoples” April 8-10, 2010. Albania, Tirana, 2013. No. 934130. p. 113-139 (full text of the report);
- Nezahat CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Akın BİNGÖL, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2014). Archaeological exploring in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2013. Collection of conference’s materials devoted to the results of archaeological exploration-2. (32). Ankara, 2014. Pp.71-92 (full text of the report).
- İbrahim Üngör, Akin BİNGÖL, Yasin TOPALOĞLU, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Nezahat CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜl, Alpaslan CEYLAN (2014). Archaeological explorations in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2012. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. (31). Ankara, 2014. No. 934169 (full text of the report);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Nezakhat CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Ibrahim Unger, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2015). Historical and archaeological research in the province of Osmania. Collection of materials of the International Symposium “The Historical Role of Adana and Chukurov”. (1). 2015. No. 3070839. p. 63-90 (full text of the report/oral presentation
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Nezahat CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2015). Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzincan and Erzurum 2014. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 1 (33). 2015. No. 3071081. p. 447-472 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2016). The earliest evidence of the existence of Turkic tribes in Anatolia. Collection of materials of the IV International Festival-Symposium of the culture of the Turkic peoples. 2016. No. 4733749. p. 855-870 (full text of the report/oral presentation;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2016). Geyiklitepe rock arts and runic inscriptions. Proceedings of the 3rd International Turkish Festival onTurkish Culture Symposium, 2016. pp.-85-96 (full text of the report/oral presentation).
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Özgül OKTAY (2016). Urartian tribes in Erzinjan and its surroundings. Collection of materials of the International Symposium "Erzincan". (1). 2016. No. 3071671. p. 127-147 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Nezahat CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Akın BİNGÖL (2016). Archaeological explorations in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2015. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 2 (34). 2016. No. 4086702 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Gökhan KALMIŞ (2017). Reflection of the Kuro-Arak culture in Kahramanmaraş and its surroundings. Collection of materials of the International “Maraş”. Symposium, 2017. No. 3850138 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR (2017). Assessment of the results of archaeological exploring in the territory of Iğdır province 2002-2010. Collection of materials of the II International “Iğdır” Symposium. 2017. No. 4086650 (summarized version of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2018). New rock arts of Turkic World. Collection of materials of the XVII Turkish Historical Congress. (1). 2018. No. 4702285. p. 155-206 (full text of the report / oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Nezahat CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Gökhan KALMIŞ (2018). Archaeological exploration in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2016 Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring. 1 (35). 2018. No. 4711422. p. 85-102 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL (2018). From Central Asia to Anatolia: Rock Carvings of the Turkic Culture of the Early Middle Ages. Collection of materials of the 16th International Congress of Social Sciences of the Turkic World. 2018. No. 4702207. p. 625-632 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2018). Early Traces of Turks in Eastern Anatolia III Kars - Digor (Dolaily) Rock Arts.
The 18th Turkish History Congress (October 1-5, 2018, Ankara, due to be published).
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2019). Çadırkaya fortress with petroglyphs from the age of Urartu state. Collection of materials of the International Symposium “History of Erzincan”, September 26-28, 2019. 1 (1). No. 5981883. p. 28-54 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI. Comparative analysis of Oğuz in Bengütaş (Şiveet Ulan) and in Cunni cave. Collection of materials of the symposium “Language, culture and art: Turkestan in the past and present.” 2019. No. 5937092. p. 62-79 (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI Oktay ÖZGÜL (2020). Archaeological explorations in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2019. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring-1. (37). Ankara,2016.pp.-181-192;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Nezahat CEYLAN , Ibrahim ÜNGÖR, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2020).. Archaeological explorations in Erzincan and Erzurum provinces 2018. Collection of conference materials dedicated to the results of archaeological exploring-1 (169). 2020. (full text of the report/oral presentation);
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2001). Historical and Archaeological Studies on Sarıkamış Territory. Academic literature/Turkish lang. Edition: Ataturk University Publications, Faculty of Natural Science and Humanities, 2001. № 934215.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2005). Turkish Culture Panel, May 17-19, 2004. Ataturk University Publications, Erzurum.
- Gülriz KOZBE, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yasemin POLAT, Taciser SİVAS, Hakan SİVAS, Işık ŞAHİN, Duygu AKAR TANRIVER (2008). Archaeological Sites of Türkiye 6b - Iron Age. Prepared for publication by Oğuz TANINDI. Istanbul: Ege Publications (Archaeological Sites of Türkiye Project). ISBN 978-975-807-003-9 - ISBN 978-975-807-182-1
- Gülriz KOZBE, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yasemin POLAT, Taciser SİVAS, Hakan SİVAS, Işık ŞAHİN, Duygu AKAR TANRIVER (2008). Archaeological Sites of Türkiye 6a - Iron Age. Prepared for publication by Oğuz TANINDI. Istanbul: Ege Publications (Archaeological Sites of Türkiye Project). ISBN 978-975-807-003-9 - ISBN 978-975-807-182-1.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2008). Archaeological Studies of Eastern Anatolia (Erzurum Province, Erzincan, Kars and Iğdır) over the period from 1998 to 2008, part I: literature/Turkish lang. – Edition: Fund “Güneş”, 2008. Edition 1. P. 366. № 3209490. ISBN:978-605-89868-0-0;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2015). Archaeological Studies of Eastern Anatolia (Erzurum Province, Erzincan, Kars and Iğdır) over the period from 2008 to 2014, part II: academic literature/Turkish lang. Edition: The Rectorate of Ataturk University, 2015. Edition 1. P. 664. № 2168764. ISBN:978-975-442-741-7;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL (2016). Ancient Fortresses of Iğdır Province: academic literature/Turkish lang. Edition: Publishing House “Akıl Fikir”, 2016. Edition 1. № 3070448. ISBN:978-605-9790-66-6;
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yavuz GÜNAŞDI (2018). The Ancient Fortresses of Erzurum Province: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzurum, Ataturk University Publications. Edition 1. P. 468. № 4700599. ISBN:978-605-2278-46-
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL (2018). Ancient Fortresses of Iğdır Province: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzurum: Ataturk University Publications, 2018. Edition 1. P. 192. № 4609242. ISBN:978-606-2278-44-4;
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Akın BİNGÖL, Mustafa KARAGEÇI (2018). Ancient Fortresses of Kars Province: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzurum: Ataturk University Publications, 2018. Edition 1. P. 290. № 4310301. ISBN:978-605-2278-43-7;
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR (2018). Ancient Fortresses of Erzincan Province: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzurum: Ataturk University Publications. Edition 1. P. 296. № 4381918. ISBN:978-605-2278-45-1;
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN (2018). Archaeological Studies of Unquenchable Stars of the East– Akçakale and Çıldır: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzurum: Ataturk University Publications. Edition 1. P. 245. № 4310306. ISBN:978-605-2278-42-0;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ayşenur MORKOÇ, Gökhan KALMIŞ (2021). Erzurum Mounds and Settlements. Atatürk University Publication No: 1277, Erzurum.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2022). Early traces of Turks in Eastern Anatolia. Turkish Historical Society Publications; IV/A-2-1. 9. Serail-number:7, ISBN 978-975-17-5309-0.
- Gülriz KOZBE, Alpaslan CEYLAN, Yasamin POLAT, Taciser SIVAS, Hakan SIVAS, Işık ŞAHIN, Duygu AKAN TANRIVER (2008). Iron Age ‘Archaeological sites of Türkiye, part 6, Iron Age, vol. I and II’. Academic literature/Eng. lang. Istanbul, 2008. № 934246.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2011). Historical and Archaeological Explorations Around the Çıldır/Akçakale. Articles Presented in Honor of Mehmet and Nesrin Özsait. Publisher: Suna & Inan Kirac Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations. ISBN: 9786054018093. İstanbul.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2017). ‘A life devoted to the Turkic history’ dedicated to Prof. Dr. Salim CÖHCE. Chapter Title: Research into the history of ancient Erzurum in the 20th: academic literature/Turkish lang. Edition: Publishing House ‘Berikan’ 2017. Editor: Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN. Edition 1. № 4086910. ISBN:978-605-2030-44-8;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2017). Uzunahmed: The fortress of the Urartu era in the territory of Diahuehi’, A book chapter dedicated to Prof. Dr. Recep Yıldırım. Academic literature/Turkish lang. Publishing House ‘Bilgin Kültur Sanat Publications’. 2017. Edition 1. № 4086870. ISBN:978-605-9636-21-6;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2018). Urartians - a Civilization in Eastern Anatolia/ The Kingdom of Diauehi and the Urartians in Northeast Anatolia in Light of New Findings: academic literature/Eng. lang. Rezan Hasa Museum. Editor: Аltan Çilingiroğlu, Kemalettin Köroğlu, Zeinep Çulha, Günşil Öncu. Edition 1. P. 323. № 4701683. ISBN:978-605-9792-09-7;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Ibrahim ÜNGÖR (2019). Erzincan in Ancient Times: academic literature/Turkish lang. Erzincan, 2019. Edited by Akın Hüsrev. Edition 1. P. 12. № 5718260. ISBN:978-605-69189-6-4;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2019). Research on the language, history and culture of the Turkic-Mongolian tribes’, book, / Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN / Archaeological Survey of Cultural Artefacts of the State of Mongolia: academic literature/Turkish lang. – Edition: Publishing House ‘Kesit’. 2019. Editor: Doğan Şaban. Edition 1. P. 360. № 5981775. ISBN:978-605-7898-58-6;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2019). Research on the language, history and culture of the Turkic-Mongolian tribes’, book, / Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN / Archaeological Survey of Cultural Artefacts of the State of Mongolia: academic literature/Turkish lang. – Edition: Publishing House ‘Kesit’. 2019. Editor: Doğan Şaban. Edition 1. P. 360. № 5981775. ISBN:978-605-7898-58-6;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2022). Iğdır Exploratıons I. Archaeological Centres Identified in Igdir in the Light of Surveys, 2022. Publisher Sonçağ, Editor: Suna ALTAN, ISBN: 978-625-8321-40-1
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Nezahat CEYLAN (2023). Two Important Urartian Centers East of Erzurum: Hasanbey Castles I-II. Editör, İrfan Albayrak vd. Bilgin Kültür ve Sanat Pubishing House. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-6925-31-1.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2002). Yazylytash Horasan Çağlayan Aras. 1(1). Erzurum, 2002. № 933886. p. 14-15 (Full report);
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Gökhan KALMIŞ. Reflection of Kuro-Araxes culture in Kahramanmaraş and its surroundings. Collection of materials of the International Symposium ‘Maraş in the Age of Antiquity’. 2017. № 5211949. p. 26-57 (Full report/oral presentation);
- Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN. Ancient Researches in Refahia. Collection of the symposiums on research in Refahia. 1(1). 2019. № 5981999. p. 431-468 (Full report/oral presentation);
- Panel on Turkic Peoples’ Culture (Scientific Publication, Ataturk University Rectorate),2004;
- Journal “BELGÜ”,Editor, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Ardahan University, December 20, 2015;
- Journal “BELGÜ”, Editor, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Ardahan University, June 25, 2015;
- Journal “BELGÜ”, Editor, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Ardahan University, May 01, 2016;
- Collection of materials of the III International Festival-Symposium of Turkic Peoples’ Culture, 2016
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol.1, № 1, 2016;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 2, № 1, 2, 2017;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Aplaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 3, № 1, 2, 2018;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 4, № 1, 2, 2019;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 5, № 1, 2020;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 6, № 1, 2, 2021;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 7, № 1,2, 2022;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 8, № 1, 2023;
- Collection of materials of the International Symposium “Maraş in the Age of Antiquity”, Agency “Fikir” March 5, 2019;
- Journal “KAFDAĞI” (index Asos), Alpaslan CEYLAN, Guneş Foundations Publications, Vol. 5, № 1, 2020;
- Alpaslan CEYLAN (2022). Collectıon of materials of the X International Symposium of Traditional Sports Games of Turkic Peoples, Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Publications, №131 Symposium Chairman, Kahramanmaraş.
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Oktay ÖZGÜL, Kayrat BELEK, Kanat ZHANUZAKOV, Nezahat CEYLAN, Anarkan KASMALİEVA (2023). Collectıon of materials of the XII Internatıonal Symposıum of Traditional Sports Games of Turkic Peoples, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Publications 376, Bishkek.
- CEYLAN ALPASLAN, Proceedings of the XI Internatıonal Symposıum of Traditional Sports Games of Turkic Peoples
- Alpaslan CEYLAN, Proceedings of the XII Internatıonal Symposıum of Traditional Sports Games of Turkic Peoples
- A book gifted by Prof. Dr. Salim CÖHCE. A difficult life dedicated to the history of Turkic tribes, Publishing House Berikan.
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1991
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1992.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1993.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1994.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1995.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1996.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1997.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of “Sos” Höyük (mound), 1997.
Head of expedition
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1998.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 1998.
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 1999.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 1999.
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 2000.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2000.
Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2000.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 2001.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2001.
Archaeological excavations of the Pasinler fortress, 2001.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 2002.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2002.
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 2003.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2003.
Archaeological excavations of the Upper and Lower Anzaf fortresses of the era of the state of Urartu, 2004.
2nd supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2004.
Archaeological excavations in the territories of Ardahan, Çıldır provinces (Childir) and Akchakale Island, 2004.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
rchaeological excavations in the territories of Ardahan, Çıldır provinces (Childir) and Akchakale Island, 2005.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2005.
Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2005.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2006.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2006.
Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2007.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2007.
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2008.
Archaeological excavations of the Erzurum fortress, 2009.
Scientific supervisor of excavations
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2009
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2010.
Archaeological exploration in the territories of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars and Iğdır provinces, 2011.
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2012.
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2013.
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2014
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2015
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2016
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2017
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2018
Archaeological exploration in the provinces of Erzurum and Erzincan, 2019
Study of traces of the first settlements of Turkic tribes (International project: Türkiye, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Nakhichevan, Crimea, Kazakhstan).
Research of dams and irrigation systems of the era of the state of Urartu in the territory of Eastern Anatolia.
Archaeological exploration in the territory of Nakhichevan.
Archaeological exploration in the territory of Erzurum and its surrounding areas.
Archaeological exploration in the Çoruh (Ch’orokhi) river basin.
Historical and archeological research in the territory of Çıldır (Childir), Ardahan province.
Historical and archeological research in the territory of Osmania province.
Research of traces of the Turkic tribes in the territory of Erzurum and its surrounding areas.
Archaeological exploration in the north-west of Selenga river basin in Mongolia, 2017.
Archaeological exploration in the north-west of Selenga river basin in Mongolia, 2017.
- Mystery of snowy mountains, jointly with Servet Somuncuoğlu (TRT Television Channel Award “The best documentary film of the year”), 2008.
- Numerous live broadcasts and interviews have been conducted on various radio and television programs, particularly on TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation), as well as on programs from various other countries.
-Ceylan has presented at more than 500 academic conferences on topics related to Ancient History, Turkish Culture, Historical Geography, Strategic Studies, and expertise in many provinces of Türkiye and in 10 other countries, with a particular emphasis on the Ancient History of Eastern Anatolia, Northeastern Anatolia, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Furthermore, Ceylan has contributed to scholarly discourse through numerous addresses in prominent newspapers and on various radio platforms, notably on TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation).
- The Seventh International Turkic World Tourism Symposium. October 1-3, 2020. Denizli/Türkiye(online). Organized by Pamukkale University Faculty of Tourism, in collaboration with the Manas University of Kyrgyzstan, Dulaty Taraz Regional University of Kazakhstan, Foreign Languages and the Professional Career University of Kazakhstan, and Kastamonu University, with the cooperation of Denizli Governorship and Pamukkale Municipality.Opening Speech.
- The IV International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress. October 30-31, 2020. Online. hosted by KTMU, with the participation of Odessa Agricultural University, Konya Food and Agriculture University, and Selçuk University.Openıng Speech.
- A webinar on the occasion of Chyngyz Aitmatov's Birthday, December 11, 2020. Online. KTMU Faculty of Literature and Faculty of Fine Arts, Speech on Chyngyz Aitmatov.
- Turkish World Social Sciences Congress. December 12, 2020. Turkish World Research Foundation. Presentation on "The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Education, Economy, and Political Life in the Turkic World.
- Online seminar on the occasion of the 1300th Anniversary of the Tonyukuk Inscription, December 16, 2020. Online. Organized by KTMU, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History. Presentation on: The Tonyukuk Memorial Complex: Accomplishments and Recommendations.
- Reading Turkish History from Stone. Seminar. December 17, 2020, Online. Organized by KTMU History Club, Presentation on "Reading Turkish History from Stone" Seminar.
- Webinar on "Türkiye-Asia Relations," January 22, 2021, Inonu University, Speaker on Türkiye-Asia Relations at the Center for South Asian Studies (GASAM), Presentation.
- The Digital Education Course within the framework of TRT and Medya Manas cooperation. January 27,2021, TRT and Medya Manas, Digital Education Course, Opening Speech.
- TRT Avaz Interview. January 28, 2021. TRT Avaz, "Eurasian Agenda on TRT AVAZ," General Information on Developments Related to the University, Interview.
- The 29th anniversary of Khojaly Massacre. February 24, 2021. Embassy of Azerbaijan, Speech on the Khojaly Massacre.Speaker
- Turkmenistan Week. February 26, 2021ю Student Affairs. Closing Speech, Speaker
- Azerbaijan Week, March 05, 2021. Student Affairs.Closing Speech, Speaker.
- ‘Islam in Africa’, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kavas/Ambassador of Senegal. March 05, 2021, Seminars of the Faculty of Theology.Opening Speech, Speaker
- Presentation of the book "Manas: The Tiger of the Altai Mountains (Mythological Epic Novel)," Author: Hayrettin İVGİN, March 12, 2021. Department of International Relations.Opening Speech, Speaker.
- Uzbekistan Week. March 12, 2021. Student Affairs. Closing Speech, Speaker.
- Presentation of Layli Aliyeva's book titled ‘I Want to Hear the Voice of God’. March 16, 2021, Sheraton Hotel, Embassy of Azerbaijan, Participant.
- Past, Present and Future of the Turkic World. March 17-18, 2021. KTMU and TÜRKPA, Host, Symposium Coordinator.
- Kazakhstan Week Closing Programme. 19 March 2021, at 16.00, Student Affairs, Closing Speech, Speaker.
- The event titled “Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University through the Eyes of the Director and Graduates of the Higher school of Tourism and Hotel Management”. March 24, 2021 at 14:00. Tourism and Hotel Management Higher School. Opening Speech, Speaker.
- Afghanistan Week Closing Program. March 26, 2021, at 16:00, Student Affairs.Opening Speech, Speaker.
- Giving a Speech to the Anadolu Agency. April 2, 2021 at 15.00, Anadolu Agency, Speech.
- Tajikistan Closing Week. April 2, 2021, at 16:00. Student Affairs, Speaker.
- Necmettin Bilal ERDOĞAN's Conference on ‘Ethnosport and the Future of Traditional Sports in the Turkic World’. April 8, 2021 at 14:30. KTMU, Opening Speech.
- A round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's Independence. Aprıl 09,2021 at 11:00. Embassy of Turkmenistan, Speaker.
- Conference on ‘The Past, Present and Future of Central Asia and the Turkic World’, April 9, 2021 at 23.00, Tekirdağ Namik Kemal University, Speaker.
- XXXVIII International Scientific Online Conference Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. "Society, Language and Culture of the XXI Century," April 29-30, 2021, KTMU and St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Languages, Opening Speech.
- International Turkic World Yunus Emre Symposium. May 24-27, 2021. Online. Pamukkale University and Altai DİLMER Foundation, Opening Speech, Speaker.
- The 2nd International Congress on New Generations and New Trends in Tourism. May 27-28, 2021. KTMU, Sakarya University, Istanbul Gelisim University, SIAM Univ., Opening Speech, Speaker.
- Turkic World Digital Citizenship Project. May 28, 2021.Online, with the participation of 71 universities, Opening Speech.
- Conquest Concert. May 29, 2021. KTMU. Concert, Opening Speech.
- The Past, Present, and Future of the Turkic World. June 9, 2021, Online, (Azerbaijan) TURKPA and Atatürk Center in Azerbaijan, Speaker.
- TURK-COSE III. International Congress on Science and Engineering of the Turkic World. June 14-15, 2021. KTMU and Nigde Omer Halis Demir University. Opening Speech
- International Mathematical Sympozium “Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations And Their Applications” June 21 – 25, 2021 Bishkek. Online, KTMU Faculty of Science, Opening Speech.
- 12. International Conference on Political Economy, June 24-26, 2021, Online, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economy/ Manisa Celal Bayar University, Opening Speech.
- New Developments in the Turkic World and Revival of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. July 1, 2021. Online. KTMU, the Center for Economic, Political and Strategic Research (TESAM), Turkestan Association, the Sun Foundation. Opening Speech.
- An eco-labelling model proposal for hotels in Kyrgyzstan. July 13, 2021. 1)High School of Tourism and Hotel Management/Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, 2) Tourism Department under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic, 3) Horeca (Hoteliers and Restaurateurs Association). Opening Speech.
- July 15, the Day of Democracy and National Unity. July 15, 2021. KTMU, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Cyprus State University, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Directorate of Communication. Opening Speech.
- The 38th Meeting of TURKSOY Permanent Council. September 13-18, 2021. TÜRKSOY, held in Khiva/Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. Opening speech.
- International Symposium on Family and Values. October 7-9, 2021. KTMU and Atatürk University, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Presidency of Religious Affairs, Ensar Foundation, Kazakhstan University of Foreign Languages. Opening Speech.
- An international workshop entitled “Turkic States and Turkic World on the 30th Anniversary of their Independence. October 8, 2021. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye, TİKA, KTMU. Held in Baku, Azerbaijan, Opening Speech.
- The IV International Eurasian Agricultural and Natural Sciences Congress Opening Program, October 30, 2021. Hosted by Selcuk University. Speaker
- Contemporary Prospects and Tendencies in Language, Literature and Culture”, November 4-5, 2021, KTMU Faculty of Humanities and Ataturk University, Faculty of Humanities. Speaker, Online.
- Meeting with TURKUNIB Member Universities. November 30, 2021. Meeting with TURKUNIB Member Universities Hosted by KTMU. Meeting, TÜRKUNİB meeting.
- A commemoration Program of Chyngyz Aytmatov (panel), December 9, 2021, KTMU Faculty of Humanities, Opening Speech.
- Panel Discussion on Yunus Emre. December 16, 2021. Gazi University and KTMU, Speaker.
- International Science Festival of Turkic States. December 21-22, 2021. Hosted by KTMU, partner universities. Chairman for the evaluation of the closing session. Opening Speech.
- Symposium on the Traces of Hacı Bektaş Veli in the Turkic World. December 21, 2021. Hosted by KTMU. Openıng Speech.
- International Congress on Biological and Health Sciences. February 24-27, 2022. Afyon Kocatepe University. Online. Opening Speech.
- Presentation of the book “Türk Entegrasyonu 30” (Turkic Integration 30) published by Uta in the context of the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations among Turkic States. March 10, 2022. Online. International Turkic Academy. Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan. Time:14.00-16.00. Online. Opening Speech.
- Martyrs' Commemoration Day and the 107th anniversary of the Victory of Çanakkale. March 18, 2022. Cultural Center. Protocol Speech. Speaker.
- Nowruz 2022. March 21, 2022. Cultural Center, Protocol Speech. Speaker
- Panel on Development of Tourism Cooperation in the Turkic World. KTMU/Cultural Counselling. April 15, 2022. Congress Center. Protocol Speech/Speaker.
- The Witnesses of History Are Rising Up Project, Ahlat workshop. May 21-22, 2022. Ahlat/ Türkiye. Speaker
- International Young Historians Symposium “Historical Sources of the Turkic Peoples”, May 24-25, 2022. Bishkek/KTMU. Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- International Congress on New Generations and Trends in Tourism. May 27, 2022. Online, Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- International 21st Century Educational Research Congress Program, KTMU, K. Tynystanov University, Karabuk University, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University. May 22, 2022. Online, Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- Openıng of the Traditional Sports Games Square and Sports Cup Games. June 16, 2022. KTMU, Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- 2022 Graduation Ceremony. June 22, 2022, KTMU, Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- International Turkic World Congress On Science And Engineering (Turk-Cose 2022).June23, 2022, Online, Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- The Eleventh Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TURKPA), June 23-24. Isyk-Kul/Cholpon-Ata. Protocol Speech, Speaker.
- International LXII Archaeological and Ethnographic Conference of Students and Young Scientists. July 21-25, 2022. Republic of Tuva. Online. Speech at the Opening Session, Early Turkic Traces in Tuva, Speaker.
- The 20th International Turkic World Social Sciences Congress, October 18-20, 2022. Speaker
- The 2nd International Scientific Online Symposium on Current Research Directions in Language, Culture, and Literature. Jointly with Ataturk University. November 03-04, 2022. Online. Speaker
- TÜRKUNİB VI. Meeting, November 22-23, 2022. Live, Speaker.
- TURKPA Commission on Legal Affairs and International Relations under the theme "TURKPA's 15th Anniversary: Cooperation between Member States. International Relations and ‘Opportunities for Success and Cooperation in the Field of Foreign Policy. February 09-10, 2023. Live. Speaker.
- The VI Meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of National Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World. Turkısh Academy. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty. April 14-15, 2023. Live. Speaker.
- International Congress on Biological and Health Sciences. The faculty of the veterinary medicine jointly with the Afyon Kocatepe University. Arpil 14, 15, 16, 2023. Online. Opening Speech.
- The Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States Draft, the 12th Plenary Session. April 27-28, 2023. Ankara/ Türkiye. Speaker.
- Press Conference titled 'Manas University in the Perspective of Turkic World Digital Citizenship, June 4-10, 2023, Uzbekistan/Tashkent, Speaker.
- The 2nd International Congress on Bee Sciences. June 14-16, Online.KTMU, Afyon Kocatepe University. Opening Speech.
- Workshop on Skin and Venereal Diseases by the Organization of Turkic States. June 14-15, 2023. Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, The Society of Eurasian Dermatology and Venereology Academy. Opening Speech.
- 2023 Graduation Ceremony. June 16, 2023. KTMU, Opening Speech.
- International Public Administration Forum. July 05-07, 2023. KTMU and Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University. Opening Speech.
- Khiva Ethnosport Forum. September 8, 2023, Ethnosport Confederation, speaker.
- Art in the Turkic World in the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions, October 3-4, 2023, Online, Joint Event with Several Universities, Opening Speech.
- Workshop on Turkic History and Turkic Ancient Sciences. October 4-5, 2023. Opening Speech
- The 12th International Symposium on Traditional Sports Games of the Turkic Peoples, October 11-13, 2023. KTMU. Opening Speech.
- Opening Ceremony of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. October 16, 2023. KTMU. The Kyrgyz National Philharmonic. Opening Speech.
- The IV. International Symposium on Translation and its Future. October 19, 2023. KTMU. Opening Speech.
- The 29 October Republic Day. October 27,2023. KTMU. Opening Speech
- International Scientific-Practical Conference titled: “Historical Memory: Victims of the 1938 Repression and its Consequences”. Key Activities of the State Contributing to the Establishment of the Kyrgyz State, To Be a Victim of Repression. , Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary. November 02, 2023. KTMU, Opening Speech.
- Manas Forum International Conference on 'The Rise of Regionalism in Global Politics and the Organization of Turkic States. November 1-3. KTMU. Opening Speech.
- The First Bishkek International Film Festival, November 17-21. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye, Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Bishkek, TİKA, Yunus Emre Institute and Yerli Düşünce Association, jointly with KTMU. Opening Speech.
- TURKPA Meeting, November 20-23, 2023, TURKPA, Speaker.
- The IV International Congress of Turkic Civilization, 2023. November 23-24,2023. KTMU, Bishkek. Opening Speech.
- The panel titled “The Place of Magtymguly Pyragy in the Spiritual and Cultural Values of Humanity” on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of his death. November 30, 2023. KTMU and the Embassy of Turkmenistan. Opening Speech.
- Energy Investments in Kyrgyzstan, December 4, 2023, KTMU, Opening Speech.
- The Council on Science, Innovation, and New Technologies at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic. February 13, 2024. Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic. Participation, Speaker.
- Online Seminar on “The Role of Parliaments and Legislative Support in Scientific and Technical Developments in TURKPA Member Countries”. TURKPA, February 14, 2024. Online. Speaker
- Antalya Ethnosport Forum. February 16-17, February 16-18, 2024. Antalya/Türkiye. Ethnosport Konfideration Speech. Chairman.