Basic Food Engineering Processes Laboratory

Students use this laboratory to become familiar with equipment that they will need to do research. Classes and laboratory practice are held here to give students hands-on experience with the fundamentals of the field. 

Food Analysis Laboratory

This laboratory is where more advanced research and analysis takes place. In the second half of their education, undergraduate students use the equipment here to carry out analyses on food products, so that in their independent research (such as on their thesis), they have the skills and knowledge to produce high-quality results. 

Central Research Laboratory

Our faculty and laboratory assistants actively work on their own projects, too. Our Central Research Laboratory provides the space and equipment for faculty members to conduct their own independent projects. 

Microbiology Laboratory

Food microbiology is the study of the microorganisms that inhabit, create, or contaminate food, including the study of microorganisms that cause food to spoil. "Good" bacteria, however, such as probiotics, are becoming increasingly important in food science. In addition, microorganisms are essential for the production of foods such as cheese, yogurt, bread, beer, wine, and other fermented foods. Microbiology is a laboratory science. To understand basic microbiology (and food microbiology), students need experience in the laboratory. Our lab provides students with the equipment and instruction to start them on careers in microbiology and related fields.